Apache Kylin v1.6.0 发布了。Kylin 是一个开源的分布式的 OLAP 分析引擎,来自 eBay 公司开发,基于 Hadoop 提供 SQL 接口和 OLAP 接口,支持 TB 到 PB 级别的数据量。它具有以下特性:
超级快的 OLAP 引擎,具备可伸缩性
为 Hadoop 提供 ANSI-SQL 接口
可与其他 BI 工具无缝集成,如 Tableau,而 Microstrategy 和 Excel 将很快推出
[KYLIN-1726] - Scalable streaming cubing
[KYLIN-1919] - Support Embedded Structure when Parsing Streaming Message
[KYLIN-2055] - Add an encoder for Boolean type
[KYLIN-2067] - Add API to check and fill segment holes
[KYLIN-2079] - add explicit configuration knob for coprocessor timeout
[KYLIN-2088] - Support intersect count for calculation of retention or conversion rates
[KYLIN-2125] - Support using beeline to load hive table metadata
bug 修复:
[KYLIN-1565] - Read the kv max size from HBase config
[KYLIN-1820] - Column autocomplete should remove the user input in model designer
[KYLIN-1828] - java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in org.apache.kylin.storage.hbase.util.StorageCleanupJob
[KYLIN-1967] - Dictionary rounding can cause IllegalArgumentException in GTScanRangePlanner
[KYLIN-1978] - kylin.sh compatible issue on Ubuntu
[KYLIN-1990] - The SweetAlert at the front page may out of the page if the content is too long.
[KYLIN-2007] - CUBOID_CACHE is not cleared when rebuilding ALL cache
[KYLIN-2012] - more robust approach to hive schema changes
[KYLIN-2024] - kylin TopN only support the first measure
[KYLIN-2027] - Error “connection timed out” occurs when zookeeper’s port is set in hbase.zookeeper.quorum of hbase-site.xml
[KYLIN-2028] - find-*-dependency script fail on Mac OS
[KYLIN-2035] - Auto Merge Submit Continuously
[KYLIN-2041] - Wrong parameter definition in Get Hive Tables REST API
[KYLIN-2043] - Rollback httpclient to 4.2.5 to align with Hadoop 2.6/2.7
[KYLIN-2044] - Unclosed DataInputByteBuffer in BitmapCounter#peekLength
[KYLIN-2045] - Wrong argument order in JobInstanceExtractor#executeExtract()
[KYLIN-2047] - Ineffective null check in MetadataManager
[KYLIN-2050] - Potentially ineffective call to close() in QueryCli
[KYLIN-2051] - Potentially ineffective call to IOUtils.closeQuietly()
[KYLIN-2052] - Edit “Top N” measure, the “group by” column wasn’t displayed
[KYLIN-2059] - Concurrent build issue in CubeManager.calculateToBeSegments()
[KYLIN-2069] - NPE in LookupStringTable
[KYLIN-2078] - Can’t see generated SQL at Web UI
[KYLIN-2084] - Unload sample table failed
[KYLIN-2085] - PrepareStatement return incorrect result in some cases
[KYLIN-2086] - Still report error when there is more than 12 dimensions in one agg group
[KYLIN-2093] - Clear cache in CubeMetaIngester
[KYLIN-2097] - Get ‘Column does not exist in row key desc” on cube has TopN measure
[KYLIN-2099] - Import table error of sample table KYLIN_CAL_DT
[KYLIN-2106] - UI bug - Advanced Settings - Rowkeys - new Integer dictionary encoding - could possibly impact also cube metadata
[KYLIN-2109] - Deploy coprocessor only this server own the table
[KYLIN-2110] - Ineffective comparison in BooleanDimEnc#equals()
[KYLIN-2114] - WEB-Global-Dictionary bug fix and improve
[KYLIN-2115] - some extended column query returns wrong answer
[KYLIN-2116] - when hive field delimitor exists in table field values, fields order is wrong
[KYLIN-2119] - Wrong chart value and sort when process scientific notation
[KYLIN-2120] - kylin1.5.4.1 with cdh5.7 cube sql Oops Faild to take action
[KYLIN-2121] - Failed to pull data to PowerBI or Excel on some query
[KYLIN-2127] - UI bug fix for Extend Column
[KYLIN-2130] - QueryMetrics concurrent bug fix
[KYLIN-2132] - Unable to pull data from Kylin Cube ( learn_kylin cube ) to Excel or Power BI for Visualization and some dimensions are not showing up.
[KYLIN-2134] - Kylin will treat empty string as NULL by mistake
[KYLIN-2137] - Failed to run mr job when user put a kafka jar in hive’s lib folder
[KYLIN-2138] - Unclosed ResultSet in BeelineHiveClient
[KYLIN-2146] - “Streaming Cluster” page should remove “Margin” inputbox
[KYLIN-2152] - TopN group by column does not distinguish between NULL and “”
[KYLIN-2154] - source table rows will be skipped if TOPN’s group column contains NULL values
[KYLIN-2158] - Delete joint dimension not right
[KYLIN-2159] - Redistribution Hive Table Step always requires row_count filename as 000000_0
[KYLIN-2167] - FactDistinctColumnsReducer may get wrong max/min partition col value
[KYLIN-2173] - push down limit leads to wrong answer when filter is loosened
[KYLIN-2178] - CubeDescTest is unstable
[KYLIN-2201] - Cube desc and aggregation group rule combination max check fail
[KYLIN-2226] - Build Dimension Dictionary Error