Apache OFBiz 12.04.06 发布了。OFBiz 是开放的电子商务平台,是一个非常著名的开源项目,提供了创建基于最新J2EE/XML规范和技术标准,构建大中型企业级、跨平台、跨数据库、跨应用服务 器的多层、分布式电子商务类WEB应用系统的框架。 OFBiz最主要的特点是OFBiz提供了一整套的开发基于Java的web应用程序的组件和工具。包括实体引擎, 服务引擎, 消息引擎, 工作流引擎, 规则引擎等。
Switch of the build system to Gradle
Removal of all libraries from OFBiz
Introduction of a plugin management system
Introduction of a unit testing framework
Conversion of all namespaces to org.apache.ofbiz
Inclusion of all "specialpurpose" components
Refactoring of source file layouts to be more compliant with project
standards https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/C4B2
Simplification of the code base by leveraging various framework tools
(e.g. "entity-auto" services)
Numerous features, bug fixes and refactoring of the code base.