Wine 1.9.4 发布,该版本新特性包括:
- Support for color glyphs and font fallbacks in DirectWrite. - Improvements to the WebServices reader. - Support for more formats in Direct3D 11. - Simplified syntax and clean up of tests marked todo. - Various bug fixes.
修复的 bug:
9823 Mentioning "wine eject" in SGML
11657 Problems with MessageBox API
12217 Documentation should be in XML and not SGML format
13683 Ultima IX: Mouse pointer missing when reading books, under inventory
19733 Pendulumania crashes
21454 Dolphin Wii/GCN emulator crashes on rom load
27680 Multiple 64-bit applications crash on startup (violation of the Windows 64-bit ABI, stack pointer (RSP) must be 16-byte aligned when making a call to Win64 API)
29862 BitComet version<1.37 fails to start
33581 Wine does not quit gracefully
34174 MinGW installer 0.5-beta-20120426-1 fails to process log files (sharing violation on temp file used for piped output)
35824 UltraISO 'ISODrive.sys' crashes in entry point (SCM doesn't start SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER type services with winedevice hosting process)
36013 bleem! 1.4 (PlayStation emulator) fails on startup, complaining with 'Not enough memory to load program!'
37288 Not implemented feature System.Drawing.Pen.ResetTransform()
37373 No Limits 2: Help files fails to show text. Needs Times New Roman, or dwrite ability to use font replacements
37556 CompareStringW should abort on the first nonmatching character to avoid invalid memory access.
38314 Mouse Wheel doesn't work for Jagged Alliance 2 version 1.13 (it uses MOUSEHOOKSTRUCTEX)
39433 mshtml:xmlhttprequest fails on IE 7
39792 Saturn PCB Design Toolkit 6.86 fails to load, reporting missing 'SHCore.dll' dependency (import descriptors with empty thunk list must be ignored)
39866 XIIZeal (steam) immediately exits on start
40034 Linksys usb wireless adapter installer needs wlanapi.dll.WlanEnumInterfaces
40053 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 (三國志13) fails to start
40075 3DMarkVantage needs SM4 dcl_output_siv support
40094 SimCity 4 Deluxe fails to start when set to use hardware rendering
40108 kernel32:process regression
40114 mshtml:style regression (crash)
40129 MSI Reading and Writing Behaves differently than Windows
40166 drcom.exe client needs rasapi32.RasGetLinkStatistics