Smack 4.1.6/4.2.0-alpha3 发布,更新如下:
4.1.6 -- 2016-01-23
[SMACK-705] - PubSub's Affiliation.getElementName() returns wrong name
[SMACK-706] - Smack may sends <bind/> and <session/> twice if Stream Management is used and a previous SM state exists
[SMACK-707] - Infinite loop of NullPointerExceptions in Socks5Proxy
[SMACK-708] - DeliveryReceipt(Manager) should ensure that receipts (and requests) have an ID set
[SMACK-709] - Don't request delivery receipts for messages without a body
[SMACK-710] - SASL DIGEST-MD5 backslash must be quoted
4.1 系列更新内容请看:Smack Changelog
4.2 系列更新内容请看:Smack 4.2 Readme and Upgrade Guide · igniterealtime/Smack Wiki · GitHub
Smack是一个开源,易于使用的XMPP(jabber)的 Java 客户端类库。