Hibernate ORM 5.2.5 发布了,Hibernate是一种Java语言下的对象关系映射解决方案。 它是使用GNU宽通用公共许可证发行的自由、开源的软件。它为面向对象的领域模型到传统的关系型数据库的映射,提供了一个使用方便的框架。
[HHH-3674] - Expose SchemaUpdate#haltOnError as a configuration property
[HHH-476] - Event System documentation
[HHH-4465] - Document @Entity.name != Hibernate entity name
[HHH-10127] - Allow indication that converted types are immutable
[HHH-10211] - Create Postgis9Dialect, Postgis92Dialect and Postgis94Dialect
[HHH-11034] - Query.stream() Javadoc should specify whether the resulting Stream contains resources
[HHH-11152] - ByteBuddy BytecodeProvider
[HHH-11204] - Fix typo for all "occured" error message to occurred
[HHH-11206] - Document all configurations that are not present in AvailableSettings
[HHH-11220] - Auto-detect SQL Server 2016 when the major version is 13
[HHH-11221] - Add more authors to the User Guide header
[HHH-11225] - Add CriteriaBuilder overloads for methods dealing with Collection to also deal with Map
[HHH-11233] - JPA SQL function with no arguments can only be called if we provide a comma
[HHH-11235] - split checkstyles into fatal and non-fatal configs
[HHH-11245] - Usage of a closed Thread Context ClassLoader
[HHH-11255] - @NaturalId mapping fails when using a composite natural identifier
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