Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.3.16 发布,该版本改进记录包括:
Changes in Oak 1.3.16 --------------------- Sub-task [OAK-3994] - Simple query on suggestion/spellcheck with unambiguous index def and one descendant clause should work Technical task [OAK-4020] - RDBExport: misleading warning about column names [OAK-4021] - RDBDocumentStore: create() for collections other than NODES is broken Bug [OAK-3965] - SegmentPropertyState external binary property reports unusual size [OAK-3981] - Change in aggregation flow in OAK-3831 causes some properties to be left out of aggregation [OAK-3988] - Offline compaction should avoid loading external binaries [OAK-3991] - Incorrect resultset from XPATH, multiple ORs and Lucene full-text [OAK-3995] - Incorrect translation of old checkpoint format [OAK-3999] - ParseException thrown for xpath query on 3 or more jcr:primaryType "or" conditions [OAK-4004] - The cold standby segment store doesn't delete the files marked for deletion [OAK-4009] - Search done via Lucene index might return duplicate results [OAK-4011] - Set online compaction default to paused [OAK-4017] - ObservationTest: tearDown() may fail with NPE [OAK-4018] - Test failures after upgrading to JR 2.12.0 Improvement [OAK-2761] - Persistent cache: add data in a different thread [OAK-3274] - DefaultSyncConfigImpl: add information to "user.membershipExpTime" about minimum expiration time [OAK-3975] - Change DELETE_BATCH_SIZE to 100 (from 450), and make it configurable [OAK-3978] - Add segment size to segment graph [OAK-3979] - RepositoryUpgrade skip on error must skip non existing node bundle [OAK-3989] - Add S3 datastore support for Text Pre Extraction [OAK-3990] - Enable specifying the max clause limit in BooleanClause [OAK-3997] - Include eviction cause to the LIRS removal callback [OAK-4006] - Enable cloning of repo for shared data store and discovery-lite [OAK-4007] - "reset clusterId tool" in oak-run [OAK-4008] - DataStoreBlobStore - Log blob deletion as info [OAK-4013] - DataStoreTextWriter should not write on close when running in readOnly mode Task [OAK-3946] - Document oak-authorization-cug [OAK-3996] - Update Jackrabbit version to 2.12.0 [OAK-4002] - Consolidate maven-jar-plugin in oak-parent pom.xml Test [OAK-3986] - simple performance regression IT (that would fail in case commitRoots would not be purged) [OAK-3998] - No SLF4J binding in oak-it