RStudio v1.0.44 版本发布了,RStudio是R语言的集成开发环境,分为面向桌面用户 IDE 和 Linux R 服务器版编辑器两种编辑器,采用AGPL v3 与RStudio License Agreement 双协议授权。
Authoring tools for R Notebooks.
Integrated support for the sparklyr package (R interface to Spark).
Enhanced data import tools based on the readr, readxl and haven packages.
Performance profiling via integration with the profvis package.
Authoring tools for R Markdown websites and the bookdown package.
Many other miscellaneous enhancements and bug fixes.
R Notebooks
Authoring tools for R Notebooks
Inline display for text, latex, tabular data, graphics, and htmlwidgets in source editor
All code and output saved within a single notebook HTML file (.nb.html)
Multiple language engines including Python, Bash, SQL, Rcpp, and Stan
Tools for running various combinations of chunks (current, next, previous, remaining)