Notepad++ 7.1 发布了。Notepad++ 是一款非常有特色的编辑器,是开源软件,可以免费使用。支持的语言: C, C++ , Java , C#, XML, HTML, PHP, Javascript。
Notepad++ v7.1 enhancements and bug-fixes:
Fix x64 crash on macro recording.
Fix x64 crash on new language dialog of UDL.
Check plugin architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) before loading.
Enhance Smart Highlighting feature: 1. match case 2. whole word only 3. use find dialog settings for both.
Fix poor performance of hex XML entities.
Reshow CallTip text on separator character.
Skip Auto-Complete self-closing HTML tags (<br>, <base>, <track>... etc).
Fix 2 UI issues for RTL layout.
Fix Folder as Workspace toolbar button inconsist behaviour.
Add option to skip word completion on numbers (default: ON).
Fix bookmarks toggled off's bug.
Sort plugin menu by plugin name.
Installer: Add 64-bit/32-bit old install detection, and old installation removal ability.
Installer: Ask user for keeping user data during uninstallation.
Installer: Fix uninstaller bug to not remove themes files from APPDATA.