Apache Flume 1.7.0 发布了,Flume 是一个分布式、可靠和高可用的服务,用于收集、聚合以及移动大量日志数据,使用一个简单灵活的架构,就流数据模型。这是一个可靠、容错的服务。
[FLUME-2498] - Implement Taildir Source
[FLUME-1899] - Make SpoolDir work with Sub-Directories
[FLUME-2526] - Build flume by jdk 7 in default
[FLUME-2628] - Add an optional parameter to specify the expected input text encoding for the netcat sourcef the netcat source
[FLUME-2704] - Configurable poll delay for spooling directory source
[FLUME-2718] - HTTP Source to support generic Stream Handler
[FLUME-2729] - Allow pollableSource backoff times to be configurable
[FLUME-2755] - Kafka Source reading multiple topics
[FLUME-2781] - A Kafka Channel defined as parseAsFlumeEvent=false cannot be correctly used by a Flume source
[FLUME-2799] - Kafka Source - Message Offset and Partition add to headers
[FLUME-2801] - Performance improvement on TailDir source
[FLUME-2810] - Add static Schema URL to AvroEventSerializer configuration
[FLUME-2820] - Support New Kafka APIs
[FLUME-2852] - Kafka Source/Sink should optionally read/write Flume records
[FLUME-2868] - Kafka Channel partition topic by key
[FLUME-2872] - Kafka Sink should be able to select which header as the key
[FLUME-2875] - Allow RollingFileSink to specify a file prefix and a file extension.
[FLUME-2909] - Bump Rat version
[FLUME-2910] - AsyncHBaseSink - Failure callbacks should log the exception that caused them
[FLUME-2911] - Add includePattern option in SpoolDirectorySource configuration
[FLUME-2918] - TaildirSource is underperforming with huge parent directories
[FLUME-2937] - Integrate checkstyle for non-test classes
[FLUME-2941] - Integrate checkstyle for test classes
[FLUME-2954] - make raw data appearing in log messages explicit
[FLUME-2955] - Add file path to the header in TaildirSource
[FLUME-2959] - Fix issues with flume-checkstyle module
[FLUME-2982] - Add localhost escape sequence to HDFS sink
[FLUME-2999] - Kafka channel and sink should enable statically assigned partition per event via header
[FLUME-2821] - Flume-Kafka Source with new Consumer
[FLUME-2822] - Flume-Kafka-Sink with new Producer
[FLUME-2823] - Flume-Kafka-Channel with new APIs
Bug 修复
[FLUME-1668] - Hdfs Sink File Rollover
[FLUME-2132] - Exception while syncing from Flume to HDFS
[FLUME-2143] - Flume build occasionally fails with OutOfMemoryError on Windows.
[FLUME-2215] - ResettableFileInputStream can’t support ucs-4 character
[FLUME-2318] - SpoolingDirectory is unable to handle empty files
[FLUME-2448] - Building flume from trunk failing with dependency error
[FLUME-2484] - NullPointerException in Kafka Sink test
[FLUME-2485] - Thrift Source tests fail on Oracle JDK 8
[FLUME-2514] - Some TestFileChannelRestart tests are extremely slow
[FLUME-2567] - Remove unneeded repository declarations in pom.xml
[FLUME-2573] - flume-ng –conf parameter is not used when starting a flume agent
[FLUME-2593] - ResettableFileInputStream returns negate values from read() method
[FLUME-2619] - Spooldir source does not log channel exceptions
[FLUME-2632] - High CPU on KafkaSink
[FLUME-2652] - Documented transaction handling semantics incorrect
[FLUME-2660] - Add documentation for EventValidator
[FLUME-2672] - NPE in KafkaSourceCounter
[FLUME-2712] - Optional channel errors slows down the Source to Main channel event rate
[FLUME-2725] - HDFS Sink does not use configured timezone for rounding
[FLUME-2732] - Make maximum tolerated failures before shutting down and recreating client in AsyncHbaseSink configurable
[FLUME-2734] - Kafka Channel timeout property is overridden by default value
[FLUME-2738] - Async HBase sink FD leak on client shutdown
[FLUME-2746] - How to include this Flume Patch in Flume 1.5.2 ?
[FLUME-2749] - Kerberos configuration error when using short names in multiple HDFS Sinks
[FLUME-2751] - Upgrade Derby version to
[FLUME-2753] - Error when specifying empty replace string in Search and Replace Interceptor
[FLUME-2754] - Hive Sink skipping first transaction in each Batch of Hive Transactions
[FLUME-2761] - Move Hive sink out of preview mode
[FLUME-2763] - flume_env script should handle jvm parameters like -javaagent -agentpath -agentlib
[FLUME-2773] - TailDirSource throws FileNotFound Exception if ~/.flume directory is not created already
[FLUME-2797] - SyslogTcpSource uses Deprecated Class + Deprecate SyslogTcpSource
[FLUME-2798] - Malformed Syslog messages can lead to OutOfMemoryException
[FLUME-2804] - Hive sink - abort remaining transactions on shutdown
[FLUME-2806] - flume-ng.ps1 Error running script to start an agent on Windows
[FLUME-2835] - Hive Sink tests need to create table with transactional property set
[FLUME-2841] - Upgrade commons-collections to 3.2.2
[FLUME-2844] - ChannelCounter of SpillableMemoryChannel doesn’t register actually.
[FLUME-2881] - Windows Launch Script fails in plugins dir code
[FLUME-2886] - Optional Channels can cause OOMs
[FLUME-2889] - Fixes to DateTime computations
[FLUME-2891] - Revert FLUME-2712 and FLUME-2886
[FLUME-2897] - AsyncHBase sink NPE when Channel.getTransaction() fails
[FLUME-2901] - Document Kerberos setup for Kafka channel
[FLUME-2908] - NetcatSource - SocketChannel not closed when session is broken
[FLUME-2913] - Flume classpath too long
[FLUME-2915] - The kafka channel using new APIs will be stuck when the sink is avro sink
[FLUME-2920] - Kafka Channel Should Not Commit Offsets When Stopping
[FLUME-2922] - HDFSSequenceFile Should Sync Writer
[FLUME-2923] - Bump AsyncHBase version
[FLUME-2936] - KafkaSource tests arbitrarily fail
[FLUME-2939] - Upgrade recursive SpoolDir to use Java7 features
[FLUME-2948] - Docs: Fixed parameters on Replicating Channel Selector documentation example
[FLUME-2949] - Flume fails to build on Windows
[FLUME-2950] - ReliableSpoolingFileEventReader.rollCurrentFile is broken
[FLUME-2952] - SyslogAgent possible NPE on stop()
[FLUME-2972] - Handle offset migration in the new Kafka Channel
[FLUME-2974] - Some tests are broken in TestReliableSpoolingFileEventReader and TestSpoolingFileLineReader
[FLUME-2983] - Handle offset migration in the new Kafka Source
[FLUME-2575] - FLUME-2548 brings SSLv2Hello back for Avro Sink, but UG says it is one of the protocols to exclude
[FLUME-2713] - Document Fault Tolerant Config parameters in FlumeUserGuide
[FLUME-2737] - Documentation for Pollable Source config parameters introduced in FLUME-2729
[FLUME-2783] - Update Website Team page with new Committer’s
[FLUME-2890] - Typo in Twitter source warning
[FLUME-2934] - Document new cachePatternMatching option for TaildirSource
[FLUME-2963] - FlumeUserGuide - error in Kafka Source properties table
[FLUME-2971] - Document secure Kafka Sink/Source/Channel setup
[FLUME-2975] - Minor mistake in NetCat Source example in documentation
[FLUME-2998] - Add missing configuration parameter to SequenceSource docs
[FLUME-2935] - Bump java target version to 1.7
[FLUME-3003] - testSourceCounter in TestSyslogUdpSource is flaky