Apache Zeppelin 0.6.2 发布了,更新内容如下:
Spark interpreter binary is compatibile with Spark 1.6/Scala 2.10 and Spark 2.0/Scala 2.11 without rebuild
Note storage aware of user on sync
Provide shiro password encryption fucntion using hadoop commons Credential apis and jceks
Add new Shiro Realm for ZeppelinHub
Notebook versioning in ZeppelinHub Repo
Adding dependency via SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS doesn't work with Spark 2.0.0
Environment variable in interpreter setting doesn't take effect
Fix UDF with Spark 2.0.0
z.show() doesn't work
SparkInterpreter doesn't work with Spark2 of HDP 2.5
Make %dep work for spark 2.0.0 when SPARK_HOME is not defined
Display long interger in abbreviated format on scatterChart/stackedAreaChart
The graph legend truncates at the nearest period(.) in its grouping
Lamda expressions are not working on CDH 5.7.x Spark
There are two implementation of R/SparkR interpreter in Zeppelin. R interpreter built via
is not tested with Spark 2.0. R interpreter users are recommanded to build Zeppelin with-Psparkr
profile instead.