Apache Camel 2.18.0 发布了。
Apache Camel 是一个非常强大的基于规则的路由以及媒介引擎,该引擎提供了一个基于POJO的 企业应用模式(Enterprise Integration Patterns)的实现,你可以采用其异常强大且十分易用的API (可以说是一种Java的领域定义语言 Domain Specific Language)来配置其路由或者中介的规则。 通过这种领域定义语言,你可以在你的IDE中用简单的Java Code就可以写出一个类型安全并具有一定智能的规则描述文件。这与那种复杂的XML配置相比极大简化了规则定义开发。 当然Apache Camel也提供了一个对Spring 配置文件的支持。
Bug 修复
[CAMEL-6256] - Camel xmpp dynamic router is not sending incoming messages to openfire upon first failed groupchatroom join
[CAMEL-6433] - Invalid KeyStore format error is generated using camel websocket secure on osgi platform
[CAMEL-6720] - SoapJaxbDataFormat not handling correctly SOAP action with request wrapper element
[CAMEL-7174] - CacheManager should only be shutdown when last endpoint is stopped
[CAMEL-7443] - Remote Print URI changed to UNC Name
[CAMEL-7884] - camel-netty4-http does not work for HTTP POST requests on routingSlip
[CAMEL-4532] - improve printer support on unix
[CAMEL-5252] - Simple language - Improved OGNL invocation with simple expression as functions for parameters
[CAMEL-5585] - RedeliverErrorHandler - Should quicker reject running scheduled redeliver tasks if shutting down and not allowed to do redeliver
[CAMEL-5690] - Using bean component with beans that implement Service from Camel should have the lifecycle callbacks invoked
[CAMEL-6439] - camel-jms - Add thread pool for handling timeout when doing request/reply and allow to configure this thread pool
[CAMEL-6616] - On SMPP producer start if SMSC returns a negative bind response producer will get stuck in an infinite reconnect loop
[CAMEL-6707] - Asynchronous Mode In camel-servlet, Servlet 3.0 AsyncContext
[CAMEL-7660] - Add support for expression on tokenizeXml