Thymeleaf 3.0.2发布了,Thymeleaf 是一个XML/XHTML/HTML5模板引擎,可用于Web与非Web环境中的应用开发。
Thymeleaf提供了一个用于整合Spring MVC的可选模块,在应用开发中,你可以使用Thymeleaf来完全代替JSP,或其他模板引擎,如Velocity、FreeMarker等。 Thymeleaf的主要目标在于提供一种可被浏览器正确显示的、格式良好的模板创建方式,因此也可以用作静态建模。你可以使用它创建经过验证的XML与 HTML模板。相对于编写逻辑或代码,开发者只需将标签属性添加到模板中即可。
- Fixed <head> being aggressively auto-closed by block tags inside <script> or <template> tags, which
caused JavaScript template fragments to be incorrectly inserted from other templates.
- Fixed Jackson not escaping '</' in JavaScript/JSON literals, which could allow code injection that
prematurely closed </script> tags when browsers display pages in HTML mode.
- Fixed JavaScript/JSON literals not escaping amperand (&), which could allow code injection that
prematurely closed </script> tags when browsers display pages in XHTML (application/xhtml+xml) mode.
- Improved error handling during Jackson initialization.
- Updated AttoParser dependency to 2.0.1.RELEASE.
- Updated Unbescape dependency to 1.1.4.RELEASE.
- Updated OGNL dependency to 3.1.10, removed direct dependency on javassist.