JBoss Fuse 6.3 发布了。
Fuse ESB (现已改名 JBoss Fuse)核心是一个ESB产品,你可以把开发使用OSGi Bundle封装后的WebService或OSGi作为服务直接部署到ESB,但更多的应用模式是纯粹将其作为一个总线,对其它系统所曝露出的服务进行 绑定集成(binding component)。应用系统之间不再采用点到点的链接方式,而是全部接入到ESB,由ESB对服务进行路由和供给。
camel-paho - For MQTT messaging using Eclipse Paho client
camel-pdf - For creating PDF documents
camel-slack - allows you to connect to an instance of Slack and delivers a message contained in the message body via a pre established Slack incoming webhook.
camel-jolt - for JSON to JSON transformation
camel-aws-ec2 - Component providing support to Amazon Web Services EC2
camel-undertow - To use Undertow as HTTP server or client.
camel-git - A generic Git component
camel-sjms - SJMS Batch is a specialized component for highly performant, transactional batch consumption from a JMS queue
camel-http-common - A common base component for reuse among all the various HTTP components we have.
camel-swagger-java - A pure Java based Swagger component.
camel-elsql - An extended SQL Component that uses ElSql for defining SQL queries
camel-jbpm - Sends messages through kie-remote-client API to jBPM.
camel-aws - AWS kinesis streams component added
camel-aws - DynamoDB streams component added
camel-braintree - for interacting with Braintree Payments.
camel-test-cdi - ease testing of Camel CDI applications
camel-etcd - Integrating Camel with Etcd key value store
camel-kubernetes - Integrates Camel with Kubernetes
camel-jcache - support JCache / JSR107 caching.
camel-nats - for interacting with Nats messaging platform
camel-servicenow - for interacting with ServiceNow
camel-spark - bridges Apache Spark computations with Camel endpoints
camel-sql - Now supports calling stored procedures using the new sql-stored component.