Docker v1.12.2-RC2 发布了。Docker1.12通过swarm实现了容器集群,在集群之上可以service命令创建一个服务,实现服务的多实例。在服务之上,通过stack可以描述一组服务,最终实现一个大系统的部署。本次更新内容如下:
Fix a daemon start panic on armv5 #24315
Avoid returning early on agent join failures docker/libnetwork#1473
Fix service published port cleanup issues docker/libetwork#1432 docker/libnetwork#1433
Recover properly from transient gossip failures docker/libnetwork#1446
Disambiguate node names known to gossip cluster to avoid node name collisiondocker/libnetwork#1451
Honor user provided listen address for gossip docker/libnetwork#1460
Allow reachability via published port across services on the same host docker/libnetwork#1398
Change the ingress sandbox name from random id to just
Swarm Mode
Fix remote detection of a node's address when it joins the cluster #26211
Vendor SwarmKit #26765
Bounce session after failed status update docker/swarmkit#1539
Fix possible raft deadlocks docker/swarmkit#1537
Fix panic and endpoint leak when a service is updated with no endpoints docker/swarmkit#1481
Produce an error if the same port is published twice on
service create
orservice update
docker/swarmkit#1495Fix an issue where changes to a service were not detected, resulting in the service not being updated docker/swarmkit#1497
Update the debian sysv-init script to use
instead ofdocker daemon
#25869Improve stability when running the docker client on MacOS Sierra #26875
Fix an issue where arrow-navigation did not work when running the docker client in ConEmu #25578