Gradle 3.1 发布了。Gradle 是基于 Ant 和 Maven 理念的自动化构建工具。
[GRADLE-3127] - shouldRunAfter can lead to EmptyStackException in DefaultTaskExecutionPlan in specific cases
[GRADLE-2275] - Clean can fail on windows when using daemon after running a compile
[GRADLE-2634] - Gradle doesn't run on Debian if TERM is not set
[GRADLE-3104] - Current version of JNA out of date and doesn't support various options
[GRADLE-3440] - Publishing with the legacy Ivy support doesn't add excludes to generated metadata
[GRADLE-3490] - Checkstyle should not output XML report when only the HTML report is enabled
[GRADLE-3508] - UP-TO-DATE check ignores changes in the order of files on Java compile classpath
[GRADLE-3512] - Gradle daemon corrupts resources in snapshot jars
[GRADLE-3513] - Maven plugin does not reflect dependency exclusions for group or module in generated POM