Ceph v10.2.3 Jewel 发布了。
Ceph是加州大学Santa Cruz分校的Sage Weil(DreamHost的联合创始人)专为博士论文设计的新一代自由软件分布式文件系统。自2007年毕业之后,Sage开始全职投入到Ceph开 发之中,使其能适用于生产环境。Ceph的主要目标是设计成基于POSIX的没有单点故障的分布式文件系统,使数据能容错和无缝的复制。2010年3 月,Linus Torvalds将Ceph client合并到内 核2.6.34中。IBM开发者园地的一篇文章 探讨了Ceph的架构,它的容错实现和简化海量数据管理的功能。
build/ops: 60-ceph-partuuid-workaround-rules still needed by debian jessie (udev 215-17) (issue#16351, pr#10653, runsisi, Loic Dachary)
build/ops: ceph Resource Agent does not work with systemd (issue#14828, pr#9917, Nathan Cutler)
build/ops: ceph-base requires parted (issue#16095, pr#10008, Ken Dreyer)
build/ops: ceph-osd-prestart.sh contains Upstart-specific code (issue#15984, pr#10364, Nathan Cutler)
build/ops: mount.ceph: move from ceph-base to ceph-common and add symlink in /sbin for SUSE (issue#16598, issue#16645, pr#10357, Nathan Cutler, Dan Horák, Ricardo Dias, Kefu Chai)
build/ops: need rocksdb commit 7ca731b12ce for ppc64le build (issue#17092, pr#10816, Nathan Cutler)
build/ops: rpm: OBS needs ExclusiveArch (issue#16936, pr#10614, Michel Normand)
cli: ceph command line tool chokes on ceph –w (the dash is unicode ‘en dash’ &ndash, copy-paste to reproduce) (issue#12287, pr#10420, Oleh Prypin, Kefu Chai)
common: expose buffer const_iterator symbols (issue#16899, pr#10552, Noah Watkins)
common: global-init: fixup chown of the run directory along with log and asok files (issue#15607, pr#8754, Karol Mroz)
完整版 Changlog,请点击此处查看。