Apache UIMA Ruta 2.5.0 发布了,Apache UIMA Ruta 是一个基于角色的脚本语言。
UIMA Ruta Language and Analysis Engine:
Depends on UIMA 2.9.0 and uimaFIT 2.2.0
New block FOREACH: iterate over pattern and reuse the matched
annotation in contained rules
Label expressions across inlined rules are supported, behave like
local variables now
Feature expressions on label expressions are supported
Setting values of variables by configuration parameter
Macros support variables
New type function: typeFromString
Wordlist initialization with string expressions: simplified
specification of language-dependent dictionary usage
New maven archetype for typical UIMA Ruta projects
Improved and faster maven plugins
Parameters additionalScripts and additionalEngines are now optional
Removed engine loader concept and parameter completely
Removed redundant Document type
Improved datapath support
Improved resource manager support
Many bug fixes and improvements
UIMA Ruta Workbench:
Improved support of classpath-lookup in maven-based projects
Launch configuration supports various serialization formats (with
Bug fixes