Gitlab 8.5 发布了第二个 RC 版本,8.5 版本即将包含如下的改进:
v 8.5.0 (unreleased)
- Fix duplicate "me" in tooltip of the "thumbsup" awards Emoji (Stan Hu)
- Cache various Repository methods to improve performance (Yorick Peterse)
- Fix duplicated branch creation/deletion Web hooks/service notifications when using Web UI (Stan Hu)
- Ensure rake tasks that don't need a DB connection can be run without one
- Update New Relic gem to (Stan Hu)
- Add "visibility" flag to GET /projects api endpoint
- Add an option to supply root email through an environmental variable (Koichiro Mikami)
- Ignore binary files in code search to prevent Error 500 (Stan Hu)
- Render sanitized SVG images (Stan Hu)
- Support download access by PRIVATE-TOKEN header (Stan Hu)
- Upgrade gitlab_git to 7.2.23 to fix commit message mentions in first branch push
- Add option to include the sender name in body of Notify email (Jason Lee)
- New UI for pagination
- Don't prevent sign out when 2FA enforcement is enabled and user hasn't yet
set it up
- API: Added "merge_requests/:merge_request_id/closes_issues" (Gal Schlezinger)
- Fix diff comments loaded by AJAX to load comment with diff in discussion tab
- Fix relative links in other markup formats (Ben Boeckel)
- Whitelist raw "abbr" elements when parsing Markdown (Benedict Etzel)
- Fix label links for a merge request pointing to issues list
- Don't vendor minified JS
- Increase project import timeout to 15 minutes
- Be more permissive with email address validation: it only has to contain a single '@'
- Display 404 error on group not found
- Track project import failure
- Support Two-factor Authentication for LDAP users
- Display database type and version in Administration dashboard
- Allow limited Markdown in Broadcast Messages
- Fix visibility level text in admin area (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
- Warn admin during OAuth of granting admin rights (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
- Update the ExternalIssue regex pattern (Blake Hitchcock)
- Remember user's inline/side-by-side diff view preference in a cookie (Kirill Katsnelson)
- Optimized performance of finding issues to be closed by a merge request
- Add `avatar_url`, `description`, `git_ssh_url`, `git_http_url`, `path_with_namespace`
and `default_branch` in `project` in push, issue, merge-request and note webhooks data (Kirill Zaitsev)
- Deprecate the `ssh_url` in favor of `git_ssh_url` and `http_url` in favor of `git_http_url`
in `project` for push, issue, merge-request and note webhooks data (Kirill Zaitsev)
- Deprecate the `repository` key in push, issue, merge-request and note webhooks data, use `project` instead (Kirill Zaitsev)
- API: Expose MergeRequest#merge_status (Andrei Dziahel)
- Revert "Add IP check against DNSBLs at account sign-up"
- Actually use the `skip_merges` option in Repository#commits (Tony Chu)
- Fix API to keep request parameters in Link header (Michael Potthoff)
- Deprecate API "merge_request/:merge_request_id/comments". Use "merge_requests/:merge_request_id/notes" instead
- Deprecate API "merge_request/:merge_request_id/...". Use "merge_requests/:merge_request_id/..." instead
- Prevent parse error when name of project ends with .atom and prevent path issues
- Mark inline difference between old and new paths when a file is renamed
- Support Akismet spam checking for creation of issues via API (Stan Hu)
- API: Allow to set or update a merge-request's milestone (Kirill Skachkov)
- Improve UI consistency between projects and groups lists
- Add sort dropdown to dashboard projects page
- Fixed logo animation on Safari (Roman Rott)
- Hide remove source branch button when the MR is merged but new commits are pushed (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
- In seach autocomplete show only groups and projects you are member of
- Don't process cross-reference notes from forks
- Fix: init.d script not working on OS X
- Faster snippet search
- Title for milestones should be unique (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
- Validate correctness of maximum attachment size application setting
- Replaces "Create merge request" link with one to the "Merge Request" when one exists
- Fix CI builds badge, add a new link to builds badge, deprecate the old one
- Fix broken link to project in build notification emails