Apache Commons BeanUtils 1.9.3 发布了。
Fixed Bugs:
BEANUTILS-477: Changed log level in FluentPropertyBeanIntrospector
BEANUTILS-492: Fixed exception when setting indexed properties on DynaBeans.
Thanks to Bernhard Seebass.BEANUTILS-470: Precision lost when converting BigDecimal Thanks to Tommy
Tynjä.BEANUTILS-465: Indexed List Setters fixed. Thanks to Daniel Atallah.
BEANUTILS-433: Update dependency from JUnit 3.8.1 to 4.12.
Thanks to Benedikt Ritter, Gary Gregory.BEANUTILS-469: Update commons-logging from 1.1.1 to 1.2.
Thanks to Gary Gregory.BEANUTILS-474: FluentPropertyBeanIntrospector does not use the same naming
algorithm as DefaultBeanIntrospector. Thanks to Michael Grove.BEANUTILS-490: Update Java requirement from Java 5 to 6.
Thanks to Gary Gregory.BEANUTILS-482: Update commons-collections from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2
(CVE-2015-4852). Thanks to Gary Gregory.BEANUTILS-490: Update java requirement to Java 6. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
BEANUTILS-492: IndexedPropertyDescriptor tests now pass on Java 8.
Thanks to Stian Soiland-Reyes.BEANUTILS-495: DateConverterTestBase fails on M/d/yy in Java 9.
Thanks to Stian Soiland-Reyes.BEANUTILS-496: testGetDescriptorInvalidBoolean fails on Java 9.
Thanks to Stian Soiland-Reyes.