Apache Bigtop 1.1.0 发布了,值得关注的改进内容包括:
* five different operating systems are supported
* a brand new ppc64le architecture was added to the support matrix
* most stable Hadoop 2.7.1 is used
* new data notebooks project Zeppelin (incubating)
* addition of Apache Hama
* toolchain is updated to the latest versions of the development tools
* standard docker containers are available for builds, testing, and alike
* on-going improvements in the unattended cluster deployment and testing
* improvements in the smoke-tests coverage and UX
* and many upgrades to the latest versions of the ecosystem projects
(Crunch, Flume, Ignite, Hive, Mahout, Oozie, Phoenix, Pig, Spark, and many others)
Bigtop 是一个 Apache Hadoop 生态系统的开发、打包和测试系统。其主要目的是建立社区驱动的 Hadoop 相关项目的交互性测试。