Apache Olingo 4.3.0 发布了,更新内容如下:
[OLINGO-931] - $select does not work with JsonSerializer
[OLINGO-939] - Content-Type wrong in error response in server-core-ext module
[OLINGO-960] - Failure to find as Alias shound not throw an exception
[OLINGO-964] - Cast type (typeFilterOnCollection) not taken into account while expanding a collection
[OLINGO-966] - Parse of filter with guild parameter fails
[OLINGO-967] - batch request rollback is not working properly
[OLINGO-977] - Missing call "writer.writeStartDocument" in ODataXmlSerializer.complexCollection()
[OLINGO-980] - INVALID_NULL_ANNOTATION when update navigation property to null
[OLINGO-981] - Binding operation null on to one
[OLINGO-982] - Metadataparser does not set correct value for Nullable attriibute of Navigation Property
[OLINGO-984] - Client-Proxy: collection of enums as property not supported
[OLINGO-987] - V4: Serializer can´t resolve ESCompCollComp?$format=json
[OLINGO-988] - V4: ExpandOption created by the deserializer contains duplicates in deep instert cases
[OLINGO-991] - OData4HttpHandler does not honor split while processing request
[OLINGO-1002] - EDMParameter type is missing from TargetType
[OLINGO-1003] - Binary content in batch requests gets corrupted
[OLINGO-1015] - Wrong batch content header handling
[OLINGO-567] - Support odata.metadata=full on server side serialization
[OLINGO-936] - V4 code cleanup epic
[OLINGO-954] - Send OData Version Header with every Response to be more specification compliant
[OLINGO-979] - V4: Make ODataApplicationException translatable
[OLINGO-989] - V4: Minor Client enhancements
[OLINGO-990] - V4: Allow custom Headers for metadata requests
[OLINGO-1004] - V4: Clean Up FIT module
New Feature
[OLINGO-935] - V4 $apply support
[OLINGO-995] - V4: Support Http HEAD method
[OLINGO-1009] - Provide serilization support for $levels with $expand
[OLINGO-993] - V4: Provide a beta release via the maven nexus
[OLINGO-997] - Make release build work with Java 8
Apache Olingo 是个 Java 库,用来实现 Open Data Protocol (OData)。 Apache Olingo 包括服务客户端和 OData 服务器方面。Apache Olingo 扩展部分支持 JPA 持久性或者注释 bean 类。