Foreman 1.12.3 发布了,Foreman是一个集成的数据中心生命周期管理工具,提供了服务开通,配置管理以及报告功能,和 Puppet Dahboard一样,Foreman 也是一个 Ruby on Rails 程序。Foreman 和 Dashboard 不同的地方是在于,Foreman 更多的关注服务开通和管理数据中心的能力,例如和引导工具,PXE 启动服务器,DHCP 服务器及服务器开通工具进行集成。Foreman 机器统一管理平台:
Foreman 可以与 Puppet 集成使用,通常是作为 puppet 的前端接入
Foreman 能够通过 Facter 组件显示系统目录信息,并且可以从 Puppet 主机报表中提供实时信息
Foreman 能够准备你管理新机器的所有工作。它的设计目标是能够自动化的完成所有手工管理的工作,通过Foreman 可以重新配置机器
Foreman 能够管理大规模(当然也包括小规模)的,企业级的的网络,可能有很多域,子网和很多 puppet master 节点。Foreman 也可以实现配置版本的回溯
Fix errors accessing top-level APIs for template_combinations (#16397)
Fix missing IP/MACs in host list response when sorting (#16380)
Authentication and Authorization
Fix interfaces APIs error for non-admin users with limited “host” filters (#16219)
Fix exception when editing role filters with org/location associations (#14101)
Compute resources and Hosts creation
Fix host build checker to not check the status of unused host group smart proxies (#16197)
Fix access to OS password hash algorithm from templates (#16416)
Installer and packaging
Add support for Puppet Server 2.6.x and set it as default version
Installer modules have been updated, see their respective changelogs for more detailed notes:
puppet-puppet, version 5.0.1 (CHANGELOG)
Puppet and Puppet integration
Fix foreman-prepare-realm when multiple “server” lines exist in config file (#16410)
Web Interface
Fix dashboard latest event widget loading speed with many hosts (#16238)
Fix searching of Puppet classes by
(#16483)Fix search auto-complete of audits by hostname (#16211)
Various fixes and features
Fix resource creation when within a specific org/location context (#16389)
Fix database migration when unattended mode is disabled (#14468)