GNU Bourne Again SHell (Bash)项目团队宣布Bash4.4正式发行。这次发行修复了大量Bug以及增加大量的新特性。最显著的更新是映射文件可随意使用记录分隔符。其他更新内容如下:
a --help option available for nearly all builtins;
a new family of ${parameter@spec} expansions that transform the value of `parameter';
the `local' builtin's ability to save and restore the state of the single-letter shell option flags around function calls;
a new EXECIGNORE variable, which adds the ability to specify names that should be ignored when searching for commands; and the beginning of an SDK for loadable builtins, which consists of a set of headers and a Makefile fragment that can be included in projects wishing to build their own loadable builtins, augmented by support for a BASH_LOADABLES_PATH variable that defines a search path for builtins loaded with `enable -f'.
The existing loadable builtin examples are now installed by default with `make install'."
除了Bash4.4的发布,与之相关的Readline command-line editing library也发布了Readline 7.0,更新内容较多,可点击发行说明查看完整内容。