Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.2.19 发布了,Oak 是一个可伸缩、高性能分层次的内容资源库。这是 Jackrabbit 的子项目之一。
Technical task
[OAK-4615] - RDBDocumentStore: in 1.0, cache invalidation is slightly different from 1.2
[OAK-3522] - DefaultSyncContext exposes internal path-utility method
[OAK-3523] - DefaultSyncContext catches ClassCastException
[OAK-4153] - segment's compareAgainstBaseState wont call childNodeDeleted when deleting last and adding n nodes
[OAK-4219] - ExternalLoginModuleTestBase doesn't remove synced
User/Group accounts
[OAK-4224] - DefaultSyncContext.sync(ExternalIdentity) should verify IDP
[OAK-4231] - DefaultSyncContext creates Value of type String for Binary|Inputstream Object
[OAK-4267] - SyncedIdentity for foreign authorizable always has isGroup set to false
[OAK-4302] - DefaultSyncContextTest contains duplicate test
[OAK-4448] - Test failures that rely on expiration time to experience a re-sync.
[OAK-4600] - In case of branch commits, nodeChildrenCache gets entries for branch revision without "br" prefix
[OAK-4675] - SNFE thrown while testing FileStore.cleanup() running concurrently with writes
[OAK-4676] - Index definition on nt:base with analyzed property incorrectly matches query with different property
[OAK-4679] - Backport OAK-4119, OAK-4101, OAK-4087 and OAK-4344
[OAK-4790] - Compilation error with JDK 6 in FileIOUtils
[OAK-2690] - Add optional UserConfiguration#getUserPrincipalProvider()
[OAK-2994] - AbstractSecurityTest#getUserManager(Root) doesn't create new instances
[OAK-3003] - Improve login performance with huge group membership
[OAK-3274] - DefaultSyncConfigImpl: add information to "user.membershipExpTime" about minimum expiration time
[OAK-3518] - Consistently add annotations to DefaultSync* classes
[OAK-3563] - Improve DefaultSyncContext
[OAK-3648] - Use StandardTokenizer instead of ClassicTokenizer in
[OAK-3721] - Reduce code duplication in MembershipProvider
[OAK-3728] - Document indexes in the index itself
[OAK-4001] - ExternalLoginModule: Make max sync attempts configurable
[OAK-4005] - LdapIdentityProvider.getEntries() is prone to OOME.
[OAK-4087] - Replace Sync of configured AutoMembership by Dynamic Principal Generation
[OAK-4119] - Improvements Take 1
[OAK-4384] - Benchmarks: add support 'automembership' config option
[OAK-4385] - Benchmarks: proper init of ExternalPrincipalConfiguration with dynamicMembership
[OAK-4516] - Configurable option to lucene index defs to index original (unanalyzed value as well)
[OAK-4623] - Log more information when null DocumentNodeState is read for a child while fetching children
[OAK-4678] - Backport OAK-4344 and OAK-4005
New Feature
[OAK-3170] - Implement Group extensions as proposed in JCR-3880
[OAK-4003] - Add support for Group-Membership actions
[OAK-4101] - Consider separate external (group) principal management
[OAK-3211] - Document External Identity Management
[OAK-4364] - Initial Benchmarks for oak-auth-external
[OAK-4743] - Update Oak 1.2 and Oak 1.4 to Jackrabbit 2.12.4
[OAK-4791] - Enable animal sniffer plugin
OAK-2742] - Add UserImport tests that run with a non-admin session
[OAK-4226] - Improve testing of DefaultSyncContext
[OAK-4248] - More tests for the exposed 'basic' package
[OAK-4382] - Test failure in