Apache Hive 2.0.0 发布,完整改进记录如下:
Release Notes - Hive - Version 2.0.0
[HIVE-8858] - Visualize generated Spark plan [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-9139] - Clean up GenSparkProcContext.clonedReduceSinks and related code [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-9152] - Dynamic Partition Pruning [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-9605] - Remove parquet nested objects from wrapper writable objects
[HIVE-10166] - Merge Spark branch to master 7/30/2015
[HIVE-10180] - Loop optimization for SIMD in ColumnArithmeticColumn.txt
[HIVE-10235] - Loop optimization for SIMD in ColumnDivideColumn.txt
[HIVE-10238] - Loop optimization for SIMD in IfExprColumnColumn.txt
[HIVE-10434] - Cancel connection when remote Spark driver process has failed [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-10458] - Enable parallel order by for spark [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-10460] - change the key of Parquet Record to Nullwritable instead of void
[HIVE-10476] - Hive query should fail when it fails to initialize a session in SetSparkReducerParallelism [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-10479] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) Empty tabAlias in columnInfo which triggers PPD
[HIVE-10520] - LLAP: Must reset small table result columns for Native Vectorization of Map Join
[HIVE-10527] - NPE in SparkUtilities::isDedicatedCluster [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-10533] - CBO (Calcite Return Path): Join to MultiJoin support for outer joins
[HIVE-10550] - Dynamic RDD caching optimization for HoS.[Spark Branch]
[HIVE-10553] - Remove hardcoded Parquet references from SearchArgumentImpl
[HIVE-10565] - LLAP: Native Vector Map Join doesn't handle filtering and matching on LEFT OUTER JOIN repeated key correctly
[HIVE-10594] - Remote Spark client doesn't use Kerberos keytab to authenticate [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-10643] - Refactoring Windowing for sum() to pass WindowFrameDef instead of two numbers (1 for number of preceding and 1 for number of following)
[HIVE-10702] - COUNT(*) over windowing 'x preceding and y preceding' doesn't work properly
[HIVE-10717] - Fix failed qtest encryption_insert_partition_static test in Jenkin
[HIVE-10752] - Revert HIVE-5193
[HIVE-10755] - Rework on HIVE-5193 to enhance the column oriented table access
[HIVE-10793] - Hybrid Hybrid Grace Hash Join : Don't allocate all hash table memory upfront
[HIVE-10794] - Remove the dependence from ErrorMsg to HiveUtils
[HIVE-10795] - Remove use of PerfLogger from Orc
[HIVE-10796] - Remove dependencies on NumericHistogram and NumDistinctValueEstimator from JavaDataModel
[HIVE-10799] - Refactor the SearchArgumentFactory to remove the dependence on ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc
[HIVE-10800] - CBO (Calcite Return Path): Setup correct information if CBO succeeds
[HIVE-10825] - Add parquet branch profile to jenkins-submit-build.sh
[HIVE-10826] - Support min()/max() functions over x preceding and y preceding windowing
[HIVE-10834] - Support First_value()/last_value() over x preceding and y preceding windowing
[HIVE-10844] - Combine equivalent Works for HoS[Spark Branch]
[HIVE-10855] - Make HIVE-10568 work with Spark [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-10864] - CBO (Calcite Return Path): auto_join2.q returning wrong results
[HIVE-10878] - Add tests to cover avg() function for 'x preceding and y preceding' windowing spec.
[HIVE-10882] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) empty filtersMap of join operator causes wrong results
[HIVE-10906] - Value based UDAF function without orderby expression throws NPE
[HIVE-10911] - Add support for date datatype in the value based windowing function
[HIVE-10927] - Add number of HMS/HS2 connection metrics
[HIVE-10975] - Parquet: Bump the parquet version up to 1.8.1
[HIVE-10985] - Value based windowing on timestamp and double can't handle NULL value
[HIVE-10989] - HoS can't control number of map tasks for runtime skew join [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-10991] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): NonBlockingOpDeDupProc did not kick in rcfile_merge2.q
[HIVE-10999] - Upgrade Spark dependency to 1.4 [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-11007] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): dpCtx's mapInputToDP should depends on the last SEL
[HIVE-11016] - MiniTez mergejoin test fails with Tez input error (issue in merge join under certain conditions)
[HIVE-11025] - In windowing spec, when the datatype is decimal, it's comparing the value against NULL value incorrectly
[HIVE-11053] - Add more tests for HIVE-10844[Spark Branch]
[HIVE-11080] - Modify VectorizedRowBatch.toString() to not depend on VectorExpressionWriter
[HIVE-11082] - Support multi edge between nodes in SparkPlan[Spark Branch]
[HIVE-11086] - Remove use of ErrorMsg in Orc's RunLengthIntegerReaderV2
[HIVE-11099] - Add support for running negative q-tests [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-11108] - HashTableSinkOperator doesn't support vectorization [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-11124] - Move OrcRecordUpdater.getAcidEventFields to RecordReaderFactory
[HIVE-11130] - Refactoring the code so that HiveTxnManager interface will support lock/unlock table/database object
[HIVE-11131] - Get row information on DataWritableWriter once for better writing performance
[HIVE-11137] - In DateWritable remove the use of LazyBinaryUtils
[HIVE-11138] - Query fails when there isn't a comparator for an operator [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-11161] - create patch for branch-1 for HiveOnTez: make explain user level = true as default
[HIVE-11180] - Enable native vectorized map join for spark [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-11206] - CBO (Calcite Return Path): Join translation should update all ExprNode recursively
[HIVE-11209] - Clean up dependencies in HiveDecimalWritable
[HIVE-11210] - Remove dependency on HiveConf from Orc reader & writer
[HIVE-11212] - Create vectorized types for complex types
[HIVE-11223] - CBO (Calcite Return Path): MapJoin and SMBJoin conversion not triggered
[HIVE-11231] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): make the output of ba_table_union.q more stable
[HIVE-11232] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): fix the output of select_same_col.q
[HIVE-11239] - Test encryption_insert_partition_static.q fails with different output results on other environments
[HIVE-11251] - CBO (Calcite Return Path): Extending ExprNodeConverter to consider additional types
[HIVE-11252] - CBO (Calcite Return Path): DUMMY project in plan
[HIVE-11253] - Move SearchArgument and VectorizedRowBatch classes to storage-api.
[HIVE-11257] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): Method isCombinablePredicate in HiveJoinToMultiJoinRule should be extended to support MultiJoin operators merge
[HIVE-11282] - CBO (Calcite Return Path): Inferring Hive type char/varchar of length zero which is not allowed
[HIVE-11307] - Remove getWritableObject from ColumnVectorBatch
[HIVE-11314] - Print "Execution completed successfully" as part of spark job info [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-11318] - Move ORC table properties from OrcFile to OrcOutputFormat
[HIVE-11321] - Move OrcFile.OrcTableProperties from OrcFile into OrcConf.
[HIVE-11347] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): fix CTAS
[HIVE-11358] - LLAP: move LlapConfiguration into HiveConf and document the settings
[HIVE-11363] - Prewarm Hive on Spark containers [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-11367] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): ExprNodeConverter should use HiveDecimal to create Decimal
[HIVE-11387] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : fix reduce_deduplicate optimization
[HIVE-11391] - CBO (Calcite Return Path): Add CBO tests with return path on
[HIVE-11409] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): add SEL before UNION
[HIVE-11416] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): Groupby Optimizer assumes the schema can match after removing RS and GBY
[HIVE-11436] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : dealing with empty char
[HIVE-11437] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : dealing with insert into
[HIVE-11445] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : groupby distinct does not work
[HIVE-11449] - "Capacity must be a power of two" error when HybridHashTableContainer memory threshold is too low
[HIVE-11453] - Create PostExecutionHook for ORC file dump
[HIVE-11467] - WriteBuffers rounding wbSize to next power of 2 may cause OOM
[HIVE-11504] - Predicate pushing down doesn't work for float type for Parquet
[HIVE-11521] - Loop optimization for SIMD in logical operators
[HIVE-11533] - Loop optimization for SIMD in integer comparisons
[HIVE-11557] - CBO (Calcite Return Path): Convert to flat AND/OR
[HIVE-11562] - Typo in hive-log4j2.xml throws unknown level exception
[HIVE-11563] - Perflogger loglines are repeated
[HIVE-11565] - LLAP: Some counters are incorrect
[HIVE-11567] - Some trace logs seeped through with new log4j2 changes
[HIVE-11570] - Fix PTest2 log4j2.version
[HIVE-11571] - Fix Hive PTest2 logging configuration
[HIVE-11572] - Datanucleus loads Log4j1.x Logger from AppClassLoader
[HIVE-11575] - Fix test failures in master due to log4j changes
[HIVE-11597] - [CBO new return path] Handling of strings of zero-length
[HIVE-11646] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): fix multiple window spec for PTF operator
[HIVE-11664] - Make tez container logs work with new log4j2 changes
[HIVE-11671] - Optimize RuleRegExp in DPP codepath
[HIVE-11700] - exception in logs in Tez test with new logger
[HIVE-11701] - Make tez tests AM logs work with new log4j2 changes
[HIVE-11703] - Make RegExp and RLike reserved keywords
[HIVE-11711] - Merge hbase-metastore branch to trunk
[HIVE-11763] - Use * instead of sum(hash(*)) on Parquet predicate (PPD) integration tests
[HIVE-11778] - Merge beeline-cli branch to trunk
[HIVE-11815] - Correct the column/table names in subquery expression when creating a view
[HIVE-11865] - Disable Hive PPD optimizer when CBO has optimized the plan
[HIVE-11890] - Create ORC module
[HIVE-11895] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): fix udaf_percentile_approx_23.q
[HIVE-11896] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): deal with hive default partition when inserting data
[HIVE-11903] - Add lock metrics to HS2
[HIVE-11908] - LLAP: Merge branch to hive-2.0
[HIVE-12016] - Update log4j2 version to 2.4
[HIVE-12020] - Revert log4j2 xml configuration to properties based configuration
[HIVE-12054] - Create vectorized write method
[HIVE-12055] - Create row-by-row shims for the write path
[HIVE-12091] - Merge file doesn't work for ORC table when running on Spark. [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-12196] - NPE when converting bad timestamp value
[HIVE-12271] - Add metrics around HS2 query execution and job submission for Hive
[HIVE-12272] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : columnPruner prunes everything when union is the last operator before FS
[HIVE-12273] - Improve user level explain
[HIVE-12283] - Fix test failures after HIVE-11844 [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-12284] - Merge master to Spark branch 10/28/2015 [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-12297] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : dealing with '$' in typeInfo
[HIVE-12305] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): UDAF can not pull up constant expressions
[HIVE-12358] - Categorize vectorization benchmarks into arithmetic, comparison, logic
[HIVE-12402] - Split hive.root.logger separately to make it compatible with log4j1.x
[HIVE-12447] - Fix LlapTaskReporter post TEZ-808 changes
[HIVE-12448] - Change to tracking of dag status via dagIdentifier instead of dag name
[HIVE-12471] - Secure HS2 web UI with SSL
[HIVE-12485] - Secure HS2 web UI with kerberos
[HIVE-12497] - Remove HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS from hive script
[HIVE-12525] - Cleanup unused metrics in HMS
[HIVE-12574] - windowing function returns incorrect result when the window size is larger than the partition size
[HIVE-12663] - Support quoted table names/columns when ACID is on
[HIVE-12692] - Make use of the Tez HadoopShim in TaskRunner usage
[HIVE-12711] - Document howto disable web ui in config of hive.server2.webui.port
[HIVE-12739] - Log4j2.x needs HADOOP_USER_CLASSPATH_FIRST to be set
[HIVE-12783] - fix the unit test failures in TestSparkClient and TestSparkSessionManagerImpl
[HIVE-12798] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): MiniTezCliDriver.vector* queries failures due to NPE in Vectorizer.onExpressionHasNullSafes()
[HIVE-12832] - RDBMS schema changes for HIVE-11388
[HIVE-12850] - Fixes after changes made in TEZ-2669 and TEZ-3024
[HIVE-12863] - fix test failure for TestMiniTezCliDriver.testCliDriver_tez_union
[HIVE-12883] - Support basic stats and column stats in table properties in HBaseStore
[HIVE-12890] - Disable multi-statment transaction control statements until HIVE-11078
[HIVE-4239] - Remove lock on compilation stage
[HIVE-4243] - Fix column names in FileSinkOperator
[HIVE-5277] - HBase handler skips rows with null valued first cells when only row key is selected
[HIVE-5623] - ORC accessing array column that's empty will fail with java out of bound exception
[HIVE-6026] - Ldap Authenticator should be more generic with BindDN
[HIVE-6091] - Empty pipeout files are created for connection create/close
[HIVE-6113] - Upgrade DataNucleus [was: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient]
[HIVE-6705] - hive jdbc can not used by jmeter, because of unsupported auto commit feature
[HIVE-6727] - Table level stats for external tables are set incorrectly
[HIVE-6991] - History not able to disable/enable after session started
[HIVE-7018] - Table and Partition tables have column LINK_TARGET_ID in Mysql scripts but not others
[HIVE-7150] - FileInputStream is not closed in HiveConnection#getHttpClient()
[HIVE-7180] - BufferedReader is not closed in MetaStoreSchemaInfo ctor
[HIVE-7193] - Hive should support additional LDAP authentication parameters
[HIVE-7476] - CTAS does not work properly for s3
[HIVE-7575] - GetTables thrift call is very slow
[HIVE-7723] - Explain plan for complex query with lots of partitions is slow due to in-efficient collection used to find a matching ReadEntity
[HIVE-8396] - Hive CliDriver command splitting can be broken when comments are present
[HIVE-8529] - HiveSessionImpl#fetchResults should not try to fetch operation log when hive.server2.logging.operation.enabled is false.
[HIVE-9013] - Hive set command exposes metastore db password
[HIVE-9069] - Simplify filter predicates for CBO
[HIVE-9248] - Vectorization : Tez Reduce vertex not getting vectorized when GROUP BY is Hash mode
[HIVE-9544] - Error dropping fully qualified partitioned table - Internal error processing get_partition_names
[HIVE-9566] - HiveServer2 fails to start with NullPointerException
[HIVE-9625] - Delegation tokens for HMS are not renewed
[HIVE-9811] - Hive on Tez leaks WorkMap objects
[HIVE-9880] - Support configurable username attribute for HiveServer2 LDAP authentication
[HIVE-9974] - Sensitive data redaction: data appears in name of mapreduce job
[HIVE-10021] - "Alter index rebuild" statements submitted through HiveServer2 fail when Sentry is enabled
[HIVE-10061] - HiveConf Should not be used as part of the HS2 client side code
[HIVE-10140] - Window boundary is not compared correctly
[HIVE-10151] - insert into A select from B is broken when both A and B are Acid tables and bucketed the same way
[HIVE-10173] - ThreadLocal synchronized initialvalue() is irrelevant in JDK7
[HIVE-10190] - CBO: AST mode checks for TABLESAMPLE with AST.toString().contains("TOK_TABLESPLITSAMPLE")
[HIVE-10191] - ORC: Cleanup writer per-row synchronization
[HIVE-10286] - SARGs: Type Safety via PredicateLeaf.type
[HIVE-10308] - Vectorization execution throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported complex type: MAP
[HIVE-10370] - Hive does not compile with -Phadoop-1 option
[HIVE-10415] - hive.start.cleanup.scratchdir configuration is not taking effect
[HIVE-10423] - HIVE-7948 breaks deploy_e2e_artifacts.sh
[HIVE-10431] - HIVE-9555 broke hadoop-1 build
[HIVE-10442] - HIVE-10098 broke hadoop-1 build
[HIVE-10443] - HIVE-9870 broke hadoop-1 build
[HIVE-10444] - HIVE-10223 breaks hadoop-1 build
[HIVE-10450] - More than one TableScan in MapWork not supported in Vectorization -- causes query to fail during vectorization
[HIVE-10452] - Followup fix for HIVE-10202 to restrict it it for script mode.
[HIVE-10453] - HS2 leaking open file descriptors when using UDFs
[HIVE-10456] - Grace Hash Join should not load spilled partitions on abort
[HIVE-10473] - Spark client is recreated even spark configuration is not changed
[HIVE-10481] - ACID table update finishes but values not really updated if column names are not all lower case
[HIVE-10483] - insert overwrite partition deadlocks on itself with DbTxnManager
[HIVE-10509] - Bump trunk version to 1.3 as branch-1.2 has been created.
[HIVE-10519] - Move TestGenericUDF classes to udf.generic package
[HIVE-10521] - TxnHandler.timeOutTxns only times out some of the expired transactions
[HIVE-10529] - Remove references to tez task context before storing operator plan in object cache
[HIVE-10538] - Fix NPE in FileSinkOperator from hashcode mismatch
[HIVE-10541] - Beeline requires newline at the end of each query in a file
[HIVE-10542] - Full outer joins in tez produce incorrect results in certain cases
[HIVE-10548] - Remove dependency to s3 repository in root pom
[HIVE-10559] - IndexOutOfBoundsException with RemoveDynamicPruningBySize
[HIVE-10569] - Hive CLI gets stuck when hive.exec.parallel=true; and some exception happens during SessionState.start
[HIVE-10571] - HiveMetaStoreClient should close existing thrift connection before its reconnect
[HIVE-10572] - Improve Hive service test to check empty string
[HIVE-10587] - ExprNodeColumnDesc should be created with isPartitionColOrVirtualCol true for DP column
[HIVE-10608] - Fix useless 'if' stamement in RetryingMetaStoreClient (135)
[HIVE-10609] - Vectorization : Q64 fails with ClassCastException
[HIVE-10613] - HCatSchemaUtils getHCatFieldSchema should include field comment
[HIVE-10620] - ZooKeeperHiveLock overrides equal() method but not hashcode()
[HIVE-10626] - Spark paln need to be updated [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-10631] - create_table_core method has invalid update for Fast Stats
[HIVE-10646] - ColumnValue does not handle NULL_TYPE
[HIVE-10651] - ORC file footer cache should be bounded
[HIVE-10655] - [PTest2] Propagate additionalProfiles flag to the source-prep.vm
[HIVE-10660] - Fix typo in Type.getType(TTypeId) exception message
[HIVE-10665] - Continue to make udaf_percentile_approx_23.q test more stable
[HIVE-10670] - Duplicate declaration of curator-recipes at pom.xml
[HIVE-10671] - yarn-cluster mode offers a degraded performance from yarn-client [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-10687] - AvroDeserializer fails to deserialize evolved union fields
[HIVE-10697] - ObjectInspectorConvertors#UnionConvertor does a faulty conversion
[HIVE-10698] - query on view results fails with table not found error if view is created with subquery alias (CTE).
[HIVE-10705] - Update tests for HIVE-9302 after removing binaries
[HIVE-10706] - Make vectorized_timestamp_funcs test more stable
[HIVE-10707] - CBO: debug logging OOMs
[HIVE-10714] - Bloom filter column names specification should be case insensitive
[HIVE-10721] - SparkSessionManagerImpl leaks SparkSessions [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-10722] - external table creation with msck in Hive can create unusable partition
[HIVE-10726] - Hive JDBC setQueryTimeout should not throw exception to make it work with JMeter
[HIVE-10728] - deprecate unix_timestamp(void) and make it deterministic
[HIVE-10731] - NullPointerException in HiveParser.g
[HIVE-10732] - Hive JDBC driver does not close operation for metadata queries
[HIVE-10734] - Remove COLUMNS_OLD table from a schema definition file of PostgreSQL
[HIVE-10736] - HiveServer2 shutdown of cached tez app-masters is not clean
[HIVE-10746] - Hive 1.2.0+Tez produces 1-byte FileSplits from mapred.TextInputFormat
[HIVE-10757] - Explain query plan should have operation name EXPLAIN
[HIVE-10771] - "separatorChar" has no effect in "CREATE TABLE AS SELECT" statement
[HIVE-10781] - HadoopJobExecHelper Leaks RunningJobs
[HIVE-10787] - MatchPath misses the last matched row from the final result set
[HIVE-10788] - Change sort_array to support non-primitive types
[HIVE-10790] - orc write on viewFS throws exception
[HIVE-10802] - Table join query with some constant field in select fails
[HIVE-10807] - Invalidate basic stats for insert queries if autogather=false
[HIVE-10808] - Inner join on Null throwing Cast Exception
[HIVE-10816] - NPE in ExecDriver::handleSampling when submitted via child JVM
[HIVE-10835] - Concurrency issues in JDBC driver
[HIVE-10841] - [WHERE col is not null] does not work sometimes for queries with many JOIN statements
[HIVE-10853] - Create ExplainTask in ATS hook through ExplainWork
[HIVE-10880] - The bucket number is not respected in insert overwrite.
[HIVE-10887] - TestCliDriver tests ordering issues with Mac and CentOS
[HIVE-10895] - ObjectStore does not close Query objects in some calls, causing a potential leak in some metastore db resources
[HIVE-10919] - Windows: create table with JsonSerDe failed via beeline unless you add hcatalog core jar to classpath
[HIVE-10921] - Change trunk pom version to reflect the branch-1 split
[HIVE-10929] - In Tez mode,dynamic partitioning query with union all fails at moveTask,Invalid partition key & values
[HIVE-10932] - Unit test udf_nondeterministic failure due to HIVE-10728
[HIVE-10940] - HiveInputFormat::pushFilters serializes PPD objects for each getRecordReader call
[HIVE-10944] - Fix HS2 for Metrics
[HIVE-10949] - Disable hive-minikdc tests in Windows
[HIVE-10956] - HS2 leaks HMS connections
[HIVE-10958] - Centos: TestMiniTezCliDriver.testCliDriver_mergejoin fails
[HIVE-10963] - Hive throws NPE rather than meaningful error message when window is missing
[HIVE-10968] - Windows: analyze json table via beeline failed throwing Class org.apache.hive.hcatalog.data.JsonSerDe not found
[HIVE-10972] - DummyTxnManager always locks the current database in shared mode, which is incorrect.
[HIVE-10974] - Use Configuration::getRaw() for the Base64 data
[HIVE-10976] - Redundant HiveMetaStore connect check in HS2 CLIService start
[HIVE-10977] - No need to instantiate MetaStoreDirectSql when HMS DirectSql is disabled
[HIVE-10979] - Fix failed tests in TestSchemaTool after the version number change in HIVE-10921
[HIVE-10980] - Merge of dynamic partitions loads all data to default partition
[HIVE-10994] - Hive.moveFile should not fail on a no-op move
[HIVE-10996] - Aggregation / Projection over Multi-Join Inner Query producing incorrect results
[HIVE-11006] - improve logging wrt ACID module
[HIVE-11013] - MiniTez tez_join_hash test on the branch fails with NPE (initializeOp not called?)
[HIVE-11024] - Error inserting a date value via parameter marker (PreparedStatement.setDate)
[HIVE-11028] - Tez: table self join and join with another table fails with IndexOutOfBoundsException
[HIVE-11029] - hadoop.proxyuser.mapr.groups does not work to restrict the groups that can be impersonated
[HIVE-11040] - Change Derby dependency version to
[HIVE-11042] - Need fix Utilities.replaceTaskId method
[HIVE-11043] - ORC split strategies should adapt based on number of files
[HIVE-11044] - Some optimizable predicates being missed by constant propagation
[HIVE-11051] - Hive 1.2.0 MapJoin w/Tez - LazyBinaryArray cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.Object;
[HIVE-11054] - Read error : Partition Varchar column cannot be cast to string
[HIVE-11060] - Make test windowing.q robust
[HIVE-11062] - Remove Exception stacktrace from Log.info when ACL is not supported.
[HIVE-11071] - FIx the output of beeline dbinfo command
[HIVE-11073] - ORC FileDump utility ignores errors when writing output
[HIVE-11079] - Fix qfile tests that fail on Windows due to CR/character escape differences
[HIVE-11095] - SerDeUtils another bug ,when Text is reused
[HIVE-11100] - Beeline should escape semi-colon in queries
[HIVE-11102] - ReaderImpl: getColumnIndicesFromNames does not work for some cases
[HIVE-11104] - Select operator doesn't propagate constants appearing in expressions
[HIVE-11109] - Replication factor is not properly set in SparkHashTableSinkOperator [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-11110] - Reorder applyPreJoinOrderingTransforms, add NotNULL/FilterMerge rules, improve Filter selectivity estimation
[HIVE-11112] - ISO-8859-1 text output has fragments of previous longer rows appended
[HIVE-11118] - Load data query should validate file formats with destination tables
[HIVE-11119] - Spark reduce vectorization doesnt account for scratch columns
[HIVE-11120] - Generic interface for file format validation
[HIVE-11122] - ORC should not record the timezone information when there are no timestamp columns
[HIVE-11123] - Fix how to confirm the RDBMS product name at Metastore.
[HIVE-11128] - Stats Annotation misses extracting stats for cols in some cases
[HIVE-11129] - Issue a warning when copied from UTF-8 to ISO 8859-1
[HIVE-11132] - Queries using join and group by produce incorrect output when hive.auto.convert.join=false and hive.optimize.reducededuplication=true
[HIVE-11134] - HS2 should log open session failure
[HIVE-11135] - Fix the Beeline set and save command in order to avoid the NullPointerException
[HIVE-11141] - Improve RuleRegExp when the Expression node stack gets huge
[HIVE-11143] - Tests udf_from_utc_timestamp.q/udf_to_utc_timestamp.q do not work with updated Java timezone information
[HIVE-11147] - MetaTool doesn't update FS root location for partitions with space in name
[HIVE-11149] - Fix issue with sometimes HashMap in PerfLogger.java hangs
[HIVE-11151] - Calcite transitive predicate inference rule should not transitively add not null filter on non-nullable input
[HIVE-11152] - Swapping join inputs in ASTConverter
[HIVE-11157] - Hive.get(HiveConf) returns same Hive object to different user sessions
[HIVE-11170] - port parts of HIVE-11015 to master for ease of future merging
[HIVE-11171] - Join reordering algorithm might introduce projects between joins
[HIVE-11172] - Vectorization wrong results for aggregate query with where clause without group by
[HIVE-11174] - Hive does not treat floating point signed zeros as equal (-0.0 should equal 0.0 according to IEEE floating point spec)
[HIVE-11176] - Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazybinary.LazyBinaryStruct cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.Object;
[HIVE-11184] - Lineage - ExprProcFactory#getExprString may throw NullPointerException
[HIVE-11185] - Fix compustat_avro.q/load_dyn_part14_win.q for Windows
[HIVE-11190] - No prompting info or warning provided when METASTORE_FILTER_HOOK in authorization V2 is overridden
[HIVE-11193] - ConstantPropagateProcCtx should use a Set instead of a List to hold operators to be deleted
[HIVE-11194] - Exchange partition on external tables should fail with error message when target folder already exists
[HIVE-11196] - Utilities.getPartitionDesc() should try to reuse TableDesc object
[HIVE-11197] - While extracting join conditions follow Hive rules for type conversion instead of Calcite
[HIVE-11198] - Fix load data query file format check for partitioned tables
[HIVE-11201] - HCatalog is ignoring user specified avro schema in the table definition
[HIVE-11202] - Update golden files on master
[HIVE-11203] - Beeline force option doesn't force execution when errors occurred in a script.
[HIVE-11211] - Reset the fields in JoinStatsRule in StatsRulesProcFactory
[HIVE-11214] - Insert into ACID table switches vectorization off
[HIVE-11215] - Vectorized grace hash-join throws FileUtil warnings
[HIVE-11216] - UDF GenericUDFMapKeys throws NPE when a null map value is passed in
[HIVE-11217] - CTAS statements throws error, when the table is stored as ORC File format and select clause has NULL/VOID type column
[HIVE-11221] - In Tez mode, alter table concatenate orc files can intermittently fail with NPE
[HIVE-11224] - AggregateStatsCache triggers java.util.ConcurrentModificationException under some conditions
[HIVE-11228] - Mutation API should use semi-shared locks.
[HIVE-11229] - Mutation API: Coordinator communication with meta store should be optional
[HIVE-11230] - IMetaStoreClient getPartition method arguments incorrectly named
[HIVE-11241] - Database prefix does not work properly if table has same name
[HIVE-11243] - Changing log level in Utilities.getBaseWork
[HIVE-11250] - Change in spark.executor.instances (and others) doesn't take effect after RSC is launched for HS2 [Spark Brnach]
[HIVE-11255] - get_table_objects_by_name() in HiveMetaStore.java needs to retrieve table objects in multiple batches
[HIVE-11258] - The function drop_database_core() of HiveMetaStore.java may not drop all the tables
[HIVE-11261] - DESCRIBE database qualifier does not work when calling DESCRIBE on column or nested columns.
[HIVE-11271] - java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException when union all with if function
[HIVE-11278] - Partition.setOutputFormatClass should not do toString for Class object
[HIVE-11279] - Hive should emit lineage information in json compact format
[HIVE-11284] - Fix cbo_rp_join0 failure on master
[HIVE-11285] - ObjectInspector for partition columns in FetchOperator in SMBJoin causes exception
[HIVE-11288] - Avro SerDe InstanceCache returns incorrect schema
[HIVE-11293] - HiveConnection.setAutoCommit(true) throws exception
[HIVE-11301] - thrift metastore issue when getting stats results in disconnect
[HIVE-11303] - Getting Tez LimitExceededException after dag execution on large query
[HIVE-11310] - Avoid expensive AST tree conversion to String for expressions in WHERE clause
[HIVE-11311] - Avoid dumping AST tree String in Explain unless necessary
[HIVE-11312] - ORC format: where clause with CHAR data type not returning any rows
[HIVE-11316] - Use datastructure that doesnt duplicate any part of string for ASTNode::toStringTree()
[HIVE-11319] - CTAS with location qualifier overwrites directories
[HIVE-11328] - Avoid String representation of expression nodes in ConstantPropagateProcFactory unless necessary
[HIVE-11330] - Add early termination for recursion in StatsRulesProcFactory$FilterStatsRule.evaluateExpression
[HIVE-11333] - ColumnPruner prunes columns of UnionOperator that should be kept
[HIVE-11340] - Create ORC based table using like clause doesn't copy compression property
[HIVE-11344] - HIVE-9845 makes HCatSplit.write modify the split so that PartInfo objects are unusable after it
[HIVE-11356] - SMB join on tez fails when one of the tables is empty
[HIVE-11369] - Mapjoins in HiveServer2 fail when jmxremote is used
[HIVE-11371] - Null pointer exception for nested table query when using ORC versus text
[HIVE-11372] - join with between predicate comparing integer types returns no rows when ORC format used
[HIVE-11375] - Broken processing of queries containing NOT (x IS NOT NULL and x <> 0)
[HIVE-11376] - CombineHiveInputFormat is falling back to HiveInputFormat in case codecs are found for one of the input files
[HIVE-11380] - NPE when FileSinkOperator is not initialized
[HIVE-11397] - Parse Hive OR clauses as they are written into the AST
[HIVE-11401] - Predicate push down does not work with Parquet when partitions are in the expression
[HIVE-11405] - Add early termination for recursion in StatsRulesProcFactory$FilterStatsRule.evaluateExpression for OR expression
[HIVE-11406] - Vectorization: StringExpr::compare() == 0 is bad for performance
[HIVE-11407] - JDBC DatabaseMetaData.getTables with large no of tables call leads to HS2 OOM
[HIVE-11413] - Error in detecting availability of HiveSemanticAnalyzerHooks
[HIVE-11422] - Join a ACID table with non-ACID table fail with MR
[HIVE-11425] - submitting a query via CLI against a running cluster fails with ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveDecimal
[HIVE-11426] - lineage3.q fails with -Phadoop-1
[HIVE-11428] - Performance: Struct IN() clauses are extremely slow (~10x slower)
[HIVE-11429] - Increase default JDBC result set fetch size (# rows it fetches in one RPC call) to 1000 from 50
[HIVE-11430] - Followup HIVE-10166: investigate and fix the two test failures
[HIVE-11432] - Hive macro give same result for different arguments
[HIVE-11433] - NPE for a multiple inner join query
[HIVE-11434] - Followup for HIVE-10166: reuse existing configurations for prewarming Spark executors
[HIVE-11441] - No DDL allowed on table if user accidentally set table location wrong
[HIVE-11448] - Support vectorization of Multi-OR and Multi-AND
[HIVE-11450] - Resources are not cleaned up properly at multiple places
[HIVE-11451] - SemanticAnalyzer throws IndexOutOfBounds Exception
[HIVE-11452] - HIVE-11321 broke ORC bloom filter index creation
[HIVE-11456] - HCatStorer should honor mapreduce.output.basename
[HIVE-11462] - GenericUDFStruct should constant fold at compile time
[HIVE-11464] - lineage info missing if there are multiple outputs
[HIVE-11466] - HIVE-10166 generates more data on hive.log causing Jenkins to fill all the disk.
[HIVE-11468] - Vectorize: Struct IN() clauses
[HIVE-11469] - Update doc for InstanceCache to clearly define the contract on the SeedObject
[HIVE-11470] - NPE in DynamicPartFileRecordWriterContainer on null part-keys.
[HIVE-11472] - ORC StringDirectTreeReader is thrashing the GC due to byte[] allocation per row
[HIVE-11473] - Upgrade Spark dependency to 1.5 [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-11476] - TypeInfoParser cannot handle column names with spaces in them
[HIVE-11490] - Lazily call ASTNode::toStringTree() after tree modification
[HIVE-11493] - Predicate with integer column equals double evaluates to false
[HIVE-11497] - Make sure --orcfiledump utility includes OrcRecordUpdate.AcidStats
[HIVE-11498] - HIVE Authorization v2 should not check permission for dummy entity
[HIVE-11499] - Datanucleus leaks classloaders when used using embedded metastore with HiveServer2 with UDFs
[HIVE-11501] - HiveConnection.readOnly always throws a "Method not supported" exception
[HIVE-11502] - Map side aggregation is extremely slow
[HIVE-11510] - Metatool updateLocation warning on views
[HIVE-11511] - Output the message of orcfiledump when ORC files are not specified
[HIVE-11517] - Vectorized auto_smb_mapjoin_14.q produces different results
[HIVE-11523] - org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.FileDump should handle errors
[HIVE-11540] - Too many delta files during Compaction - OOM
[HIVE-11541] - ORC: Split Strategy should depend on global file count, not per-partition
[HIVE-11542] - port fileId support on shims and splits from llap branch
[HIVE-11546] - Projected columns read size should be scaled to split size for ORC Splits
[HIVE-11549] - Hide Hive configuration from spark driver launching process
[HIVE-11553] - use basic file metadata cache in ETLSplitStrategy-related paths
[HIVE-11556] - HiveFilter.copy should take the condition given as a parameter
[HIVE-11573] - PointLookupOptimizer can be pessimistic at a low nDV
[HIVE-11578] - ATS hook fails for ExplainWork
[HIVE-11580] - ThriftUnionObjectInspector#toString throws NPE
[HIVE-11581] - HiveServer2 should store connection params in ZK when using dynamic service discovery for simpler client connection string.
[HIVE-11583] - When PTF is used over a large partitions result could be corrupted
[HIVE-11586] - ObjectInspectorFactory.getReflectionObjectInspector is not thread-safe
[HIVE-11587] - Fix memory estimates for mapjoin hashtable
[HIVE-11590] - AvroDeserializer is very chatty
[HIVE-11591] - upgrade thrift to 0.9.3 and change generation to use undated annotations
[HIVE-11592] - ORC metadata section can sometimes exceed protobuf message size limit
[HIVE-11594] - Analyze Table For Columns cannot handle columns with embedded spaces
[HIVE-11595] - refactor ORC footer reading to make it usable from outside
[HIVE-11596] - nvl(x, y) throws NPE if type x and type y doesn't match, rather than throwing the meaningful error
[HIVE-11602] - Support Struct with different field types in query
[HIVE-11604] - HIVE return wrong results in some queries with PTF function
[HIVE-11605] - Incorrect results with bucket map join in tez.
[HIVE-11606] - Bucket map joins fail at hash table construction time
[HIVE-11607] - Export tables broken for data > 32 MB
[HIVE-11613] - schematool should return non zero exit status for info command, if state is inconsistent
[HIVE-11616] - DelegationTokenSecretManager reuses the same objectstore, which has concurrency issues
[HIVE-11628] - DB type detection code is failing on Oracle 12
[HIVE-11634] - Support partition pruning for IN(STRUCT(partcol, nonpartcol..)...)
[HIVE-11652] - Avoid expensive call to removeAll in DefaultGraphWalker
[HIVE-11657] - HIVE-2573 introduces some issues during metastore init (and CLI init)
[HIVE-11658] - Load data file format validation does not work with directories
[HIVE-11668] - make sure directsql calls pre-query init when needed
[HIVE-11669] - OrcFileDump service should support directories
[HIVE-11670] - Strip out password information from TezSessionState configuration
[HIVE-11676] - implement metastore API to do file footer PPD
[HIVE-11688] - OrcRawRecordMerger does not close primary reader if not fully consumed
[HIVE-11689] - minor flow changes to ORC split generation
[HIVE-11695] - If user have no permission to create LOCAL DIRECTORY ,the Hql does not throw any exception and fail silently.
[HIVE-11696] - Exception when table-level serde is Parquet while partition-level serde is JSON
[HIVE-11698] - Add additional test for PointLookupOptimizer
[HIVE-11704] - Create errata.txt file
[HIVE-11705] - refactor SARG stripe filtering for ORC into a separate method
[HIVE-11710] - Beeline embedded mode doesn't output query progress after setting any session property
[HIVE-11712] - Duplicate groupby keys cause ClassCastException
[HIVE-11714] - Turn off hybrid grace hash join for cross product join
[HIVE-11718] - JDBC ResultSet.setFetchSize(0) returns no results
[HIVE-11721] - non-ascii characters shows improper with "insert into"
[HIVE-11723] - Incorrect string literal escaping
[HIVE-11726] - Pushed IN predicates to the metastore
[HIVE-11735] - Different results when multiple if() functions are used
[HIVE-11737] - IndexOutOfBounds compiling query with duplicated groupby keys
[HIVE-11745] - Alter table Exchange partition with multiple partition_spec is not working
[HIVE-11747] - Unnecessary error log is shown when executing a "INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY" cmd in the embedded mode
[HIVE-11748] - HivePreparedStatement's setTimestamp() does not quote value as required
[HIVE-11751] - hive-exec-log4j2.xml settings causes DEBUG messages to be generated and ignored
[HIVE-11755] - Incorrect method called with Kerberos enabled in AccumuloStorageHandler
[HIVE-11761] - DoubleWritable hashcode for GroupBy is not properly generated
[HIVE-11762] - TestHCatLoaderEncryption failures when using Hadoop 2.7
[HIVE-11768] - java.io.DeleteOnExitHook leaks memory on long running Hive Server2 Instances
[HIVE-11771] - Parquet timestamp conversion errors
[HIVE-11777] - implement an option to have single ETL strategy for multiple directories
[HIVE-11781] - Remove HiveLimit operator and rename HiveSort operator
[HIVE-11786] - Deprecate the use of redundant column in colunm stats related tables
[HIVE-11792] - User explain in tez does not preserve ordering
[HIVE-11794] - GBY vectorization appears to process COMPLETE reduce-side GBY incorrectly
[HIVE-11801] - In HMS HA env, "show databases" fails when"current" HMS is stopped.
[HIVE-11802] - Float-point numbers are displayed with different precision in Beeline/JDBC
[HIVE-11813] - Avoid expensive AST tree conversion to String for expressions in WHERE clause in CBO
[HIVE-11817] - Window function max NullPointerException
[HIVE-11819] - HiveServer2 catches OOMs on request threads
[HIVE-11820] - export tables with size of >32MB throws "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Skip CRC is valid only with update options"
[HIVE-11821] - JDK8 strict build broken for master
[HIVE-11822] - vectorize NVL UDF
[HIVE-11823] - create a self-contained translation for SARG to be used by metastore
[HIVE-11824] - Insert to local directory causes staging directory to be copied
[HIVE-11825] - get_json_object(col,'$.a') is null in where clause didn`t work
[HIVE-11826] - 'hadoop.proxyuser.hive.groups' configuration doesn't prevent unauthorized user to access metastore
[HIVE-11827] - STORED AS AVRO fails SELECT COUNT(*) when empty
[HIVE-11829] - Create test for HIVE-11216
[HIVE-11831] - TXN tables in Oracle should be created with ROWDEPENDENCIES
[HIVE-11832] - HIVE-11802 breaks compilation in JDK 8
[HIVE-11833] - TxnHandler heartbeat txn doesn't need serializable DB txn level
[HIVE-11834] - Lineage doesn't work with dynamic partitioning query
[HIVE-11835] - Type decimal(1,1) reads 0.0, 0.00, etc from text file as NULL
[HIVE-11838] - Another positive test case for HIVE-11658
[HIVE-11839] - Vectorization wrong results with filter of (CAST AS CHAR)
[HIVE-11841] - KeyValuesInputMerger creates huge logs
[HIVE-11842] - Improve RuleRegExp by caching some internal data structures
[HIVE-11843] - Add 'sort by c' to Parquet PPD q-tests to avoid different output issues with hadoop-1
[HIVE-11846] - CliDriver shutdown tries to drop index table again which was already dropped when dropping the original table
[HIVE-11849] - NPE in HiveHBaseTableShapshotInputFormat in query with just count(*)
[HIVE-11856] - allow split strategies to run on threadpool
[HIVE-11860] - StatsNoJobTask fails to collect fast stats when table have subdirectories
[HIVE-11875] - JDBC Driver does not honor delegation token mechanism when readings params from ZooKeeper
[HIVE-11878] - ClassNotFoundException can possibly occur if multiple jars are registered one at a time in Hive
[HIVE-11889] - Add unit test for HIVE-11449
[HIVE-11892] - UDTF run in local fetch task does not return rows forwarded during GenericUDTF.close()
[HIVE-11897] - JDO rollback can throw pointless exceptions
[HIVE-11898] - support default partition in metastoredirectsql
[HIVE-11901] - StorageBasedAuthorizationProvider requires write permission on table for SELECT statements
[HIVE-11902] - Abort txn cleanup thread throws SyntaxErrorException
[HIVE-11910] - TestHCatLoaderEncryption should shutdown created MiniDFS instance
[HIVE-11911] - The stats table limits are too large for innodb
[HIVE-11915] - BoneCP returns closed connections from the pool
[HIVE-11919] - Hive Union Type Mismatch
[HIVE-11920] - ADD JAR failing with URL schemes other than file/ivy/hdfs
[HIVE-11922] - Better error message when ORC split generation fails
[HIVE-11925] - Hive file format checking breaks load from named pipes
[HIVE-11926] - Stats annotation might not extract stats for varchar/decimal columns
[HIVE-11928] - ORC footer and metadata section can also exceed protobuf message limit
[HIVE-11932] - JDBC Driver appends an extra "/" when configuring connection by reading httpPath from ZooKeeper
[HIVE-11939] - TxnDbUtil should turn off jdbc auto commit
[HIVE-11940] - "INSERT OVERWRITE" query is very slow because it creates one "distcp" per file to copy data from staging directory to target directory
[HIVE-11945] - ORC with non-local reads may not be reusing connection to DN
[HIVE-11950] - WebHCat status file doesn't show UTF8 character
[HIVE-11952] - disable q tests that are both slow and less relevant
[HIVE-11954] - Extend logic to choose side table in MapJoin Conversion algorithm
[HIVE-11960] - braces in join conditions are not supported
[HIVE-11964] - RelOptHiveTable.hiveColStatsMap might contain mismatched column stats
[HIVE-11969] - start Tez session in background when starting CLI
[HIVE-11970] - COLUMNS_V2 table in metastore should have a longer name field
[HIVE-11973] - IN operator fails when the column type is DATE
[HIVE-11975] - mssql scripts contains invalid 'GO' statement
[HIVE-11977] - Hive should handle an external avro table with zero length files present
[HIVE-11980] - Follow up on HIVE-11696, exception is thrown from CTAS from the table with table-level serde is Parquet while partition-level serde is JSON
[HIVE-11981] - ORC Schema Evolution Issues (Vectorized, ACID, and Non-Vectorized)
[HIVE-11982] - Some test cases for union all fail with recent changes
[HIVE-11985] - don't store type names in metastore when metastore type names are not used
[HIVE-11988] - [hive] security issue with hive & ranger for import table command
[HIVE-11989] - vector_groupby_reduce.q is failing on CLI and MiniTez drivers on master
[HIVE-11990] - Loading data inpath from a temporary table dir fails on Windows
[HIVE-11995] - Remove repetitively setting permissions in insert/load overwrite partition
[HIVE-12004] - SDPO doesnt set colExprMap correctly on new RS
[HIVE-12007] - Hive LDAP Authenticator should allow just Domain without baseDN (for AD)
[HIVE-12008] - Hive queries failing when using count(*) on column in view
[HIVE-12011] - unable to create temporary table using CTAS if regular table with that name already exists
[HIVE-12012] - select query on json table with map containing numeric values fails
[HIVE-12018] - beeline --help doesn't return to original prompt
[HIVE-12021] - HivePreFilteringRule may introduce wrong common operands
[HIVE-12026] - Add test case to check permissions when truncating partition
[HIVE-12027] - simplify file metadata cache ppd api
[HIVE-12032] - Add unit test for HIVE-9855
[HIVE-12046] - Re-create spark client if connection is dropped
[HIVE-12048] - metastore file metadata cache should not be used when deltas are present
[HIVE-12053] - Stats performance regression caused by HIVE-11786
[HIVE-12057] - ORC sarg is logged too much
[HIVE-12058] - Change hive script to record errors when calling hbase fails
[HIVE-12060] - LLAP: create separate variable for llap tests
[HIVE-12061] - add file type support to file metadata by expr call
[HIVE-12062] - enable HBase metastore file metadata cache for tez tests
[HIVE-12065] - FS stats collection may generate incorrect stats for multi-insert query
[HIVE-12076] - WebHCat listing jobs after the given JobId even when templeton.jobs.listorder is set to lexicographicaldesc
[HIVE-12082] - Null comparison for greatest and least operator
[HIVE-12083] - HIVE-10965 introduces thrift error if partNames or colNames are empty
[HIVE-12084] - Hive queries with ORDER BY and large LIMIT fails with OutOfMemoryError Java heap space
[HIVE-12087] - IMPORT TABLE fails
[HIVE-12090] - Dead-code: Vectorized map-join murmur hash is run twice
[HIVE-12156] - expanding view doesn't quote reserved keyword
[HIVE-12166] - LLAP: Cache read error at 1000 Gb scale tests
[HIVE-12170] - normalize HBase metastore connection configuration
[HIVE-12171] - LLAP: BuddyAllocator failures when querying uncompressed data
[HIVE-12178] - LLAP: NPE in LRFU policy
[HIVE-12179] - Add option to not add spark-assembly.jar to Hive classpath
[HIVE-12182] - ALTER TABLE PARTITION COLUMN does not set partition column comments
[HIVE-12184] - DESCRIBE of fully qualified table fails when db and table name match and non-default database is in use
[HIVE-12188] - DoAs does not work properly in non-kerberos secured HS2
[HIVE-12189] - The list in pushdownPreds of ppd.ExprWalkerInfo should not be allowed to grow very large
[HIVE-12198] - LLAP: reader failures when querying uncompressed data
[HIVE-12200] - INSERT INTO table using a select statement w/o a FROM clause fails
[HIVE-12201] - Tez settings need to be shown in set -v output when execution engine is tez.
[HIVE-12202] - NPE thrown when reading legacy ACID delta files
[HIVE-12204] - Tez queries stopped running with ApplicationNotRunningException
[HIVE-12206] - ClassNotFound Exception during query compilation with Tez and Union query and GenericUDFs
[HIVE-12207] - Query fails when non-ascii characters are used in string literals
[HIVE-12208] - Vectorized JOIN NPE on dynamically partitioned hash-join + map-join
[HIVE-12210] - Fix a few failing tests: testCliDriver_udf_explode and testCliDriver_udtf_explode
[HIVE-12215] - Exchange partition does not show outputs field for post/pre execute hooks
[HIVE-12218] - Unable to create a like table for an hbase backed table
[HIVE-12220] - LLAP: Usability issues with hive.llap.io.cache.orc.size
[HIVE-12223] - Filter on Grouping__ID does not work properly
[HIVE-12224] - Remove HOLD_DDLTIME
[HIVE-12225] - LineageCtx should release all resources at clear
[HIVE-12227] - LLAP: better column vector object pools
[HIVE-12229] - Custom script in query cannot be executed in yarn-cluster mode [Spark Branch].
[HIVE-12230] - custom UDF configure() not called in Vectorization mode
[HIVE-12234] - Beeline quit tries to connect again if no existing connections
[HIVE-12238] - Vectorization: Thread-safety errors in VectorUDFDate
[HIVE-12246] - Orc FileDump fails with Missing CLI jar
[HIVE-12249] - Improve logging with tez
[HIVE-12250] - Zookeeper connection leaks in Hive's HBaseHandler.
[HIVE-12253] - revert HIVE-12061
[HIVE-12257] - Enhance ORC FileDump utility to handle flush_length files and recovery
[HIVE-12260] - Fix TestColumnStatistics and TestJsonFileDump test failures in master
[HIVE-12261] - schematool version info exit status should depend on compatibility, not equality
[HIVE-12262] - Session log dir cannot be created in some cases
[HIVE-12263] - Hive SchemaTool does not tolerate leading spaces in JDBC url
[HIVE-12266] - When client exists abnormally, it doesn't release ACID locks
[HIVE-12268] - Context leaks deleteOnExit paths
[HIVE-12277] - Hive macro results on macro_duplicate.q different after adding ORDER BY
[HIVE-12278] - Skip logging lineage for explain queries
[HIVE-12280] - HiveConnection does not try other HS2 after failure for service discovery
[HIVE-12281] - Vectorized MapJoin - use Operator::isLogDebugEnabled
[HIVE-12282] - beeline - update command printing in verbose mode
[HIVE-12287] - Lineage for lateral view shows wrong dependencies
[HIVE-12291] - Master: Update errata.txt for HIVE-12272
[HIVE-12292] - revert the if removal from HIVE-12237
[HIVE-12294] - log line "Duplicate ID <number> in column ID list" appears in the logs
[HIVE-12295] - change some logs from info to debug
[HIVE-12302] - Use KryoPool instead of thread-local caching
[HIVE-12304] - "drop database cascade" needs to unregister functions
[HIVE-12306] - fix hbase_queries.q failure
[HIVE-12307] - Streaming API TransactionBatch.close() must abort any remaining transactions in the batch
[HIVE-12310] - Update memory estimation login in TopNHash
[HIVE-12311] - explain CTAS fails if the table already exists
[HIVE-12312] - Excessive logging in PPD code
[HIVE-12315] - vectorization_short_regress.q has a wrong result issue for a double calculation
[HIVE-12318] - qtest failing due to NPE in logStats
[HIVE-12327] - WebHCat e2e tests TestJob_1 and TestJob_2 fail
[HIVE-12330] - Fix precommit Spark test part2
[HIVE-12332] - BucketingSortingReduceSinkOptimizer throws IOB exception for duplicate columns
[HIVE-12333] - tez_union_with_udf.q added to wrong section in testconfiguration.properties
[HIVE-12340] - ExecDriver.execute() unnecessarily sets METASTOREPWD to HIVE
[HIVE-12341] - LLAP: add security to daemon protocol endpoint (excluding shuffle)
[HIVE-12343] - when column type is decimal and the literal value contains space will return null
[HIVE-12344] - Wrong types inferred for SemiJoin generation in CBO
[HIVE-12345] - Followup for HIVE-9013 : Hidden conf vars still visible through beeline
[HIVE-12346] - Internally used variables in HiveConf should not be settable via command
[HIVE-12349] - NPE in ORC SARG for IS NULL queries on Timestamp and Date columns
[HIVE-12352] - CompactionTxnHandler.markCleaned() may delete too much
[HIVE-12353] - When Compactor fails it calls CompactionTxnHandler.markedCleaned(). it should not.
[HIVE-12354] - MapJoin with double keys is slow on MR
[HIVE-12357] - Allow user to set tez job name
[HIVE-12363] - Incorrect results with orc ppd across ORC versions
[HIVE-12364] - Distcp job fails when run under Tez
[HIVE-12365] - Added resource path is sent to cluster as an empty string when externally removed
[HIVE-12366] - Refactor Heartbeater logic for transaction
[HIVE-12372] - Improve to support the multibyte character at lpad and rpad
[HIVE-12378] - Exception on HBaseSerDe.serialize binary field
[HIVE-12384] - Union Operator may produce incorrect result on TEZ
[HIVE-12385] - schematool failed on MySQL
[HIVE-12388] - GetTables cannot get external tables when TABLE type argument is given
[HIVE-12391] - SkewJoinOptimizer might not kick in if columns are renamed after TableScanOperator
[HIVE-12396] - BucketingSortingReduceSinkOptimizer may still throw IOB exception for duplicate columns
[HIVE-12397] - LLAP: add security to daemon-hosted shuffle
[HIVE-12399] - Native Vector MapJoin can encounter "Null key not expected in MapJoin" and "Unexpected NULL in map join small table" exceptions
[HIVE-12404] - Orc ppd throws exception if types don't match
[HIVE-12406] - HIVE-9500 introduced incompatible change to LazySimpleSerDe public interface
[HIVE-12407] - Check fetch property to determine if a SortLimit contains a limit operation
[HIVE-12417] - Support for exclamation mark missing in regexp
[HIVE-12418] - HiveHBaseTableInputFormat.getRecordReader() causes Zookeeper connection leak.
[HIVE-12419] - hive.log.trace.id needs to be whitelisted
[HIVE-12422] - LLAP: add security to Web UI endpoint
[HIVE-12435] - SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN...) GROUPBY returns 1 for 'NULL' in a case of ORC and vectorization is enabled.
[HIVE-12437] - SMB join in tez fails when one of the tables is empty
[HIVE-12444] - Global Limit optimization on ACID table without base directory may throw exception
[HIVE-12445] - Tracking of completed dags is a slow memory leak
[HIVE-12450] - OrcFileMergeOperator does not use correct compression buffer size
[HIVE-12456] - QueryId can't be stored in the configuration of the SessionState since multiple queries can run in a single session
[HIVE-12462] - DPP: DPP optimizers need to run on the TS predicate not FIL
[HIVE-12463] - VectorMapJoinFastKeyStore has Array OOB errors
[HIVE-12465] - Hive might produce wrong results when (outer) joins are merged
[HIVE-12469] - Bump Commons-Collections dependency from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2. to address vulnerability
[HIVE-12473] - DPP: UDFs on the partition column side does not evaluate correctly
[HIVE-12475] - Parquet schema evolution within array<struct<>> doesn't work
[HIVE-12476] - Metastore NPE on Oracle with Direct SQL
[HIVE-12477] - Left Semijoins are incompatible with a cross-product
[HIVE-12479] - Vectorization: Vectorized Date UDFs with up-stream Joins
[HIVE-12487] - Fix broken MiniLlap tests
[HIVE-12489] - Analyze for partition fails if partition value has special characters
[HIVE-12490] - Metastore: Mysql ANSI_QUOTES is not there for some cases
[HIVE-12491] - Improve ndv heuristic for functions
[HIVE-12498] - ACID: Setting OrcRecordUpdater.OrcOptions.tableProperties() has no effect
[HIVE-12500] - JDBC driver not overlaying params supplied via properties object when reading params from ZK
[HIVE-12501] - LLAP: don't use read(ByteBuffer) in IO
[HIVE-12503] - GBY-Join transpose rule may go in infinite loop
[HIVE-12505] - Insert overwrite in same encrypted zone silently fails to remove some existing files
[HIVE-12506] - SHOW CREATE TABLE command creates a table that does not work for RCFile format
[HIVE-12508] - HiveAggregateJoinTransposeRule places a heavy load on the metadata system
[HIVE-12509] - Regenerate q files after HIVE-12017 went in
[HIVE-12510] - LLAP: Append attempt id either to thread name or NDC
[HIVE-12512] - Include driver logs in execution-level Operation logs
[HIVE-12517] - Beeline's use of failed connection(s) causes failures and leaks.
[HIVE-12522] - Wrong FS error during Tez merge files when warehouse and scratchdir are on different FS
[HIVE-12526] - PerfLogger for hive compiler and optimizer
[HIVE-12532] - LLAP Cache: Uncompressed data cache has NPE
[HIVE-12537] - RLEv2 doesn't seem to work
[HIVE-12542] - Create HiveRelFactories
[HIVE-12556] - Ctrl-C in beeline doesn't kill Tez query on HS2
[HIVE-12557] - NPE while removing entry in LRFU cache
[HIVE-12563] - NullPointerException with 3-way Tez merge join
[HIVE-12565] - VectorUDAFCount.aggregateInputSelection does not handle isRepeated case
[HIVE-12566] - Incorrect result returns when using COALESCE in WHERE condition with LEFT JOIN
[HIVE-12576] - Add missing license headers in preparation for the 2.0 release
[HIVE-12577] - NPE in LlapTaskCommunicator when unregistering containers
[HIVE-12578] - Hive query failing with error ClassCastException org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeConstantDesc cannot be cast to org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeColumnDesc
[HIVE-12583] - HS2 ShutdownHookManager holds extra of Driver instance
[HIVE-12584] - Vectorized join with partition column of type char does not trim spaces
[HIVE-12585] - fix TxnHandler connection leak
[HIVE-12589] - LLAP service gen is broken for log4j2
[HIVE-12590] - Repeated UDAFs with literals can produce incorrect result
[HIVE-12591] - LLAP cache counters displays -ve value for CacheCapacityUsed
[HIVE-12596] - Delete timestamp row throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Timestamp format must be yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.fffffffff]
[HIVE-12597] - LLAP - allow using elevator without cache
[HIVE-12598] - LLAP: disable fileId when not supported
[HIVE-12599] - Add logging to debug rare unexpected refCount error from the LLAP IO layer
[HIVE-12601] - HIVE-11985 change does not use partition deserializer
[HIVE-12605] - Implement JDBC Connection.isValid
[HIVE-12609] - Remove javaXML serialization
[HIVE-12610] - Hybrid Grace Hash Join should fail task faster if processing first batch fails, instead of continuing processing the rest
[HIVE-12632] - LLAP: don't use IO elevator for ACID tables
[HIVE-12633] - LLAP: package included serde jars
[HIVE-12640] - Allow StatsOptimizer to optimize the query for Constant GroupBy keys
[HIVE-12644] - Support for offset in HiveSortMergeRule
[HIVE-12645] - ConstantPropagateProcCtx.resolve() should verify internal names in addition to alias to match 2 columns from different row schemas
[HIVE-12648] - LLAP IO was disabled in CliDriver by accident (and tests are broken)
[HIVE-12657] - selectDistinctStar.q results differ with jdk 1.7 vs jdk 1.8
[HIVE-12660] - HS2 memory leak with .hiverc file use
[HIVE-12661] - StatsSetupConst.COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE is not used correctly
[HIVE-12662] - StackOverflowError in HiveSortJoinReduceRule when limit=0
[HIVE-12664] - Bug in reduce deduplication optimization causing ArrayOutOfBoundException
[HIVE-12666] - PCRExprProcFactory.GenericFuncExprProcessor.process() aggressively removes dynamic partition pruner generated synthetic join predicates.
[HIVE-12667] - Proper fix for HIVE-12473
[HIVE-12668] - package script for LLAP was broken by recent config changes
[HIVE-12674] - HS2 Tez sessions should have maximum age
[HIVE-12675] - PerfLogger should log performance metrics at debug level
[HIVE-12682] - Reducers in dynamic partitioning job spend a lot of time running hadoop.conf.Configuration.getOverlay
[HIVE-12684] - NPE in stats annotation when all values in decimal column are NULLs
[HIVE-12685] - Remove redundant hive-site.xml under common/src/test/resources/
[HIVE-12687] - LLAP Workdirs need to default to YARN local
[HIVE-12688] - HIVE-11826 makes hive unusable in properly secured cluster
[HIVE-12694] - LLAP: Slider destroy semantics require force
[HIVE-12698] - Remove exposure to internal privilege and principal classes in HiveAuthorizer
[HIVE-12699] - LLAP: hive.llap.daemon.work.dirs setting backward compat name doesn't work
[HIVE-12706] - Incorrect output from from_utc_timestamp()/to_utc_timestamp when local timezone has DST
[HIVE-12710] - add better logging for Tez session creation thread failures
[HIVE-12712] - HiveInputFormat may fail to column names to read in some cases
[HIVE-12717] - Enabled to accept quoting of all character backslash qooting mechanism to json_tuple UDTF
[HIVE-12722] - Create abstract subclass for HiveAuthorizer to shield implementations from interface changes
[HIVE-12724] - ACID: Major compaction fails to include the original bucket files into MR job
[HIVE-12726] - exclude hadoop jars from webhcat hcatalog/share/webhcat/svr/lib
[HIVE-12727] - refactor Hive strict checks to be more granular, allow order by no limit and no partition filter by default for now
[HIVE-12728] - Apply DDL restrictions for ORC schema evolution
[HIVE-12735] - Constant folding for WHEN/CASE expression does not set return type correctly
[HIVE-12738] - subquery with NOT IN failing due to ClassCastException
[HIVE-12740] - NPE with HS2 when using null input format
[HIVE-12741] - HS2 ShutdownHookManager holds extra of Driver instance in master/branch-2.0
[HIVE-12742] - NULL table comparison within CASE does not work as previous hive versions
[HIVE-12743] - RCFileInputFormat needs to be registered with kryo
[HIVE-12744] - GROUPING__ID failed to be recognized in multiple insert
[HIVE-12758] - Parallel compilation: Operator::resetId() is not thread-safe
[HIVE-12762] - Common join on parquet tables returns incorrect result when hive.optimize.index.filter set to true
[HIVE-12766] - TezTask does not close DagClient after execution
[HIVE-12768] - Thread safety: binary sortable serde decimal deserialization
[HIVE-12772] - Beeline/JDBC output of decimal values is not 0-padded, does not match with CLI output
[HIVE-12785] - View with union type and UDF to `cast` the struct is broken
[HIVE-12786] - CBO may fail for recoverable errors
[HIVE-12788] - Setting hive.optimize.union.remove to TRUE will break UNION ALL with aggregate functions
[HIVE-12790] - Metastore connection leaks in HiveServer2
[HIVE-12794] - LLAP cannot run queries against HBase due to missing HBase jars
[HIVE-12797] - Synchronization issues with tez/llap session pool in hs2
[HIVE-12800] - HiveFilterSetOpTransposeRule might be executed over non deterministic filter predicates
[HIVE-12809] - Vectorization: fast-path for coalesce if input.noNulls = true
[HIVE-12813] - LLAP: issues in setup, shutdown
[HIVE-12815] - column stats NPE for a query w/o a table
[HIVE-12820] - Remove the check if carriage return and new line are used for separator or escape character
[HIVE-12824] - CBO doesnt get triggered when aggregate function is used within windowing function
[HIVE-12826] - Vectorization: fix VectorUDAF* suspect isNull checks
[HIVE-12827] - Vectorization: VectorCopyRow/VectorAssignRow/VectorDeserializeRow assign needs explicit isNull[offset] modification
[HIVE-12851] - Add slider security setting support to LLAP packager
[HIVE-12864] - StackOverflowError parsing queries with very large predicates
[HIVE-12875] - Verify sem.getInputs() and sem.getOutputs()
[HIVE-12879] - RowResolver of Semijoin not updated in CalcitePlanner
[HIVE-12893] - Sorted dynamic partition does not work if subset of partition columns are constant folded
[HIVE-12904] - LLAP: deadlock in task scheduling
[HIVE-12905] - Issue with mapjoin in tez under certain conditions
[HIVE-12911] - PPD might get exercised even when flag is false if CBO is on
[HIVE-12915] - Tez session pool has concurrency issues during init
[HIVE-12920] - LLAP fails to start with java.lang.NumberFormatException
[HIVE-12926] - Another synchronization issue with tez/llap session pool in hs2
[HIVE-12931] - Shuffle tokens stay around forever in LLAP
[HIVE-12945] - Bucket pruning: bucketing for -ve hashcodes have historical issues
[HIVE-12947] - SMB join in tez has ClassCastException when container reuse is on
[HIVE-12964] - TestOperationLoggingAPIWithMr,TestOperationLoggingAPIWithTez fail on branch-2.0 (with Java 7, at least)
[HIVE-12985] - distribution configs are wrong and out of date
[HIVE-13024] - schematool does not log anywhere
[HIVE-13032] - Hive services need HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS for proper log4j2 initialization
[HIVE-1841] - datanucleus.fixedDatastore should be true in hive-default.xml
[HIVE-2327] - Optimize REGEX UDFs with constant parameter information
[HIVE-6758] - Beeline doesn't work with -e option when started in background
[HIVE-8190] - LDAP user match for authentication on hiveserver2
[HIVE-8583] - HIVE-8341 Cleanup & Test for hive.script.operator.env.blacklist
[HIVE-9365] - The Metastore should take port configuration from hive-site.xml
[HIVE-9599] - remove derby, datanucleus and other not related to jdbc client classes from hive-jdbc-standalone.jar
[HIVE-9695] - Redundant filter operator in reducer Vertex when CBO is disabled
[HIVE-10048] - JDBC - Support SSL encryption regardless of Authentication mechanism
[HIVE-10165] - Improve hive-hcatalog-streaming extensibility and support updates and deletes.
[HIVE-10239] - Create scripts to do metastore upgrade tests on jenkins for Derby and PostgreSQL
[HIVE-10302] - Load small tables (for map join) in executor memory only once [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-10319] - Hive CLI startup takes a long time with a large number of databases
[HIVE-10403] - Add n-way join support for Hybrid Grace Hash Join
[HIVE-10435] - Make HiveSession implementation pluggable through configuration
[HIVE-10531] - Implement isClosed() to HiveQueryResultSet
[HIVE-10555] - Improve windowing spec of range based windowing to support additional range formats
[HIVE-10639] - create SHA1 UDF
[HIVE-10641] - create CRC32 UDF
[HIVE-10644] - create SHA2 UDF
[HIVE-10657] - Remove copyBytes operation from MD5 UDF
[HIVE-10709] - Update Avro version to 1.7.7
[HIVE-10710] - Delete GenericUDF.getConstantLongValue
[HIVE-10748] - Replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder where possible
[HIVE-11037] - HiveOnTez: make explain user level = true as default
[HIVE-11052] - Unify HiveSessionBase#getusername method
[HIVE-11055] - HPL/SQL - Implementing Procedural SQL in Hive (PL/HQL Contribution)
[HIVE-11076] - Explicitly set hive.cbo.enable=true for some tests
[HIVE-11136] - Unused Logger in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDAFCount
[HIVE-11139] - Emit more lineage information
[HIVE-11145] - Remove OFFLINE and NO_DROP from tables and partitions
[HIVE-11179] - HIVE should allow custom converting from HivePrivilegeObjectDesc to privilegeObject for different authorizers
[HIVE-11182] - Enable optimized hash tables for spark [Spark Branch]
[HIVE-11240] - Change value type from int to long for HiveConf.ConfVars.METASTORESERVERMAXMESSAGESIZE
[HIVE-11244] - Beeline prompt info improvement for cluster mode
[HIVE-11254] - Process result sets returned by a stored procedure
[HIVE-11262] - Skip MapJoin processing if the join hash table is empty
[HIVE-11290] - Cursor attributes %ISOPEN, %FOUND, %NOTFOUND and SYS_REFCURSOR variable
[HIVE-11291] - Avoid allocation storm while doing rule matching on operator/expression trees
[HIVE-11304] - Migrate to Log4j2 from Log4j 1.x
[HIVE-11306] - Add a bloom-1 filter for Hybrid MapJoin spills
[HIVE-11329] - Column prefix in key of hbase column prefix map
[HIVE-11354] - HPL/SQL extending compatibility with Transact-SQL
[HIVE-11366] - Avoid right leaning tree hashCode depth during ExprNodeDescEqualityWrapper HashMaps
[HIVE-11383] - Upgrade Hive to Calcite 1.4
[HIVE-11442] - Remove commons-configuration.jar from Hive distribution
[HIVE-11457] - Vectorization: Improve SIMD JIT in GenVectorCode StringExpr instrinsics
[HIVE-11482] - Add retrying thrift client for HiveServer2
[HIVE-11496] - Better tests for evaluating ORC predicate pushdown
[HIVE-11506] - Casting varchar/char type to string cannot be vectorized
[HIVE-11512] - Hive LDAP Authenticator should also support full DN in Authenticate()
[HIVE-11513] - AvroLazyObjectInspector could handle empty data better
[HIVE-11525] - Bucket pruning
[HIVE-11531] - Add mysql-style LIMIT support to Hive, or improve ROW_NUMBER performance-wise
[HIVE-11534] - Improve validateTableCols error message
[HIVE-11536] - %TYPE and %ROWTYPE attributes in data type declaration
[HIVE-11538] - Add an option to skip init script while running tests
[HIVE-11544] - LazyInteger should avoid throwing NumberFormatException
[HIVE-11564] - HBaseSchemaTool should be able to list objects
[HIVE-11569] - Use PreOrderOnceWalker where feasible
[HIVE-11617] - Explain plan for multiple lateral views is very slow
[HIVE-11627] - Reduce the number of accesses to hashmaps in PPD
[HIVE-11638] - ExprNodeDesc hashMap accidentally degrades into O(N) instead of O(1)
[HIVE-11645] - Add in-place updates for dynamic partitions loading
[HIVE-11659] - Make Vectorization use the fast StringExpr everywhere
[HIVE-11720] - Allow HiveServer2 to set custom http request/response header size
[HIVE-11724] - WebHcat get jobs to order jobs on time order with latest at top
[HIVE-11780] - Add "set role none" support
[HIVE-11783] - Extending HPL/SQL parser
[HIVE-11789] - Better support for functions recognition in CBO
[HIVE-11807] - Set ORC buffer size in relation to set stripe size
[HIVE-11814] - Emit query time in lineage info
[HIVE-11816] - Upgrade groovy to 2.4.4
[HIVE-11881] - Supporting HPL/SQL Packages
[HIVE-11882] - Fetch optimizer should stop source files traversal once it exceeds the hive.fetch.task.conversion.threshold
[HIVE-11891] - Add basic performance logging to metastore calls
[HIVE-11923] - allow qtests to run via a single client session for tez and llap
[HIVE-11937] - Improve StatsOptimizer to deal with query with additional constant columns
[HIVE-11955] - Add costing for join-groupby transpose rule
[HIVE-11972] - [Refactor] Improve determination of dynamic partitioning columns in FileSink Operator
[HIVE-11984] - Add HS2 open operation metrics
[HIVE-12002] - correct implementation typo
[HIVE-12006] - Enable Columnar Pushdown for RC/ORC File for HCatLoader
[HIVE-12017] - Do not disable CBO by default when number of joins in a query is equal or less than 1
[HIVE-12038] - Fix the 'overall' section in the HiveQA report
[HIVE-12040] - CBO: Use CBO, even for the 1 JOIN + GROUP BY case
[HIVE-12059] - Clean up reference to deprecated constants in AvroSerdeUtils
[HIVE-12063] - Pad Decimal numbers with trailing zeros to the scale of the column
[HIVE-12070] - Relax type restrictions on 'Greatest' and 'Least'
[HIVE-12175] - Upgrade Kryo version to 3.0.x
[HIVE-12186] - Upgrade Hive to Calcite 1.5
[HIVE-12187] - Release plan once a query is executed
[HIVE-12209] - Vectorized simple CASE expressions with nulls
[HIVE-12235] - Improve beeline logging for dynamic service discovery
[HIVE-12236] - Enable SimpleFetchOptimizer for more query types
[HIVE-12265] - Generate lineage info only if requested
[HIVE-12288] - Extend HIVE-11306 changes to apply to Native vectorized map-joins
[HIVE-12289] - Make sure slf4j-log4j12 jar is not in classpath
[HIVE-12290] - Native Vector ReduceSink
[HIVE-12300] - deprecate MR in Hive 2.0
[HIVE-12309] - TableScan should use column stats when available for better data size estimate
[HIVE-12317] - Emit current database in lineage info
[HIVE-12319] - Remove HadoopShims::getHadoopConfNames()
[HIVE-12320] - hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes should be true by default
[HIVE-12325] - Turn hive.map.groupby.sorted on by default
[HIVE-12329] - Turn on limit pushdown optimization by default
[HIVE-12331] - Remove hive.enforce.bucketing & hive.enforce.sorting configs
[HIVE-12443] - Hive Streaming should expose encoding and serdes for testing
[HIVE-12470] - Allow splits to provide custom consistent locations, instead of being tied to data locality
[HIVE-12496] - Open ServerTransport After MetaStore Initialization
[HIVE-12523] - display Hive query name in explain plan
[HIVE-12623] - Add an option to force allocation of fragments on requested nodes
[HIVE-12693] - LLAP: Use Slider Anti-Affinity scheduling mode for daemon distribution
[HIVE-12713] - Miscellaneous improvements in driver compile and execute logging
[HIVE-12751] - Fix NVL explain syntax
[HIVE-12761] - Add stack trace servlet to HS2 web ui
[HIVE-12769] - LLAP: Pick up java_home from System properties for Slider
[HIVE-13025] - need a better error message for when one needs to run schematool
New Feature
[HIVE-686] - add UDF substring_index
[HIVE-3404] - Create quarter UDF
[HIVE-7926] - long-lived daemons for query fragment execution, I/O and caching
[HIVE-10591] - Support limited integer type promotion in ORC
[HIVE-10592] - ORC file dump in JSON format
[HIVE-10673] - Dynamically partitioned hash join for Tez
[HIVE-10761] - Create codahale-based metrics system for Hive
[HIVE-10785] - Support aggregate push down through joins
[HIVE-11103] - Add banker's rounding BROUND UDF
[HIVE-11461] - Transform flat AND/OR into IN struct clause
[HIVE-11488] - Add sessionId and queryId info to HS2 log
[HIVE-11593] - Add aes_encrypt and aes_decrypt UDFs
[HIVE-11600] - Hive Parser to Support multi col in clause (x,y..) in ((..),..., ())
[HIVE-11684] - Implement limit pushdown through outer join in CBO
[HIVE-11699] - Support special characters in quoted table names
[HIVE-11706] - Implement "show create database"
[HIVE-11775] - Implement limit push down through union all in CBO
[HIVE-11785] - Support escaping carriage return and new line for LazySimpleSerDe
[HIVE-11976] - Extend CBO rules to being able to apply rules only once on a given operator
[HIVE-12080] - Support auto type widening (int->bigint & float->double) for Parquet table
[HIVE-10485] - Create md5 UDF
[HIVE-10667] - Upgrade Calcite dependency to newest version
[HIVE-10868] - Update release note for 1.2.0 and 1.1.0
[HIVE-10870] - Merge Spark branch to trunk 5/29/2015
[HIVE-11018] - Turn on cbo in more q files
[HIVE-11096] - Bump the parquet version to 1.7.0
[HIVE-11158] - Add tests for HPL/SQL
[HIVE-11378] - Remove hadoop-1 support from master branch
[HIVE-11489] - Jenkins PreCommit-HIVE-SPARK-Build fails with TestCliDriver.initializationError
[HIVE-11582] - Remove conf variable hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories
[HIVE-11754] - Not reachable code parts in StatsUtils
[HIVE-12005] - Remove hbase based stats collection mechanism
[HIVE-12010] - Tests should use FileSystem based stats collection mechanism
[HIVE-12164] - Remove jdbc stats collection mechanism
[HIVE-12237] - Use slf4j as logging facade
[HIVE-12239] - Constants in hive.common.metrics.common.MetricsConstant are not final
[HIVE-12256] - Move LLAP registry into llap-client module
[HIVE-12383] - Update golden file for cbo_rp_annotate_stats_groupby test
[HIVE-12411] - Remove counter based stats collection mechanism
[HIVE-12413] - Default mode for hive.mapred.mode should be strict
[HIVE-12429] - Switch default Hive authorization to SQLStandardAuth in 2.0
[HIVE-12430] - Remove remaining reference to the hadoop-2 profile
[HIVE-12434] - Merge spark into master 11/17/1015
[HIVE-12436] - Default hive.metastore.schema.verification to true
[HIVE-12520] - Fix schema_evol* tests on master
[HIVE-12658] - Task rejection by an llap daemon spams the log with RejectedExecutionExceptions
[HIVE-12934] - Refactor llap module structure to allow for a usable client
[HIVE-7375] - Add option in test infra to compile in other profiles (like hadoop-1)
[HIVE-10583] - Switch precommit from ASF to Github repo to avoid clone failures
[HIVE-10903] - Add hive.in.test for HoS tests
[HIVE-10969] - Test autogen_colalias failing on trunk
[HIVE-11026] - Make vector_outer_join* test more robust
[HIVE-11083] - Make test cbo_windowing robust
[HIVE-11384] - Add Test case which cover both HIVE-11271 and HIVE-11333
[HIVE-11620] - Fix several qtest output order
[HIVE-11791] - Add unit test for HIVE-10122
[HIVE-11946] - TestNotificationListener is flaky
[HIVE-11962] - Improve windowing_windowspec2.q tests to return consistent results
[HIVE-12213] - Investigating the test failure TestHCatClient.testTableSchemaPropagation
[HIVE-12560] - Few tests hang forever
[HIVE-12697] - Remove deprecated post option from webhcat test files
[HIVE-10427] - collect_list() and collect_set() should accept struct types as argument