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IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.4 发布,深受欢迎的 Java IDE


IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.4 发布了,IntelliJ IDEA被认为是当前Java开发效率最快的IDE工具。它整合了开发过程中实用的众多功能,几乎可以不用鼠标可以方便的完成你要做的任何事情,最大程度的加快开发的速度。简单而又功能强大。与其他的一些繁冗而复杂的IDE工具有鲜明的对比。


  • Android                        BugIDEA-153902                        Can't debug Android apps after update: This application does not have the debuggable attribute enabled in its manifest.
    Code Formatting and Code Style                        BugIDEA-160104                        Array literal uses regular indent on first line, continuation indent on others
                            BugIDEA-160103                        Incorrect indentation after multi-line array literal
    Code Navigation                        BugIDEA-157786                        File matching pattern results showed twice for some files
    Eclipse Integration                        BugIDEA-160071                        When eclipse plugin is not available, show error message (instead of exceptions)
    Grails                        BugIDEA-159530                        Grails 2: hotswap works but debugger doesn't pick up changes
    Groovy                        BugIDEA-127422                        Idea should allow to name packages "trait"
                            BugIDEA-159925                        Groovy: javadocs of fields aren't moved when field is moved up/down
                            BugIDEA-159998                        Groovy: com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException: cannot create file from text: ...
    IDE Configuration                        BugIDEA-160474                        File Templates: 'Enable Live Templates' checkbox is cleared on restart
                            BugIDEA-160459                        Nothing happens after 'Check for Updates...'
    JavaFX                        PerformanceIDEA-160386                        plugin.xml highlighting is very slow
    Maven                        UsabilityIDEA-158073                        'Download sources' link should open source file after download
    Packaging and Installation                        BugIDEA-151793                        IDEA failed to restart after plugins activation
    SQL                        BugIDEA-154090                        Column is invalid in the select list because is it not contained in either an aggregate function or GROUP by clause
    Spring                        BugIDEA-159985                        Spring MVC: The MVC tab of Spring toolwindow doesn't support HTTP request method PATCH
                            BugIDEA-157013                        Exception in usage statistics blocks closing project
    User Interface                        BugIDEA-152939                        deadlock on 16 EAP 144.2925.2 startup
                            BugIDEA-159856                        Colors & Fonts > Import button is present in IDEA-based IDEs and does nothing
                            BugIDEA-160416                        Cannot type the dollar sign on my Mac
    Version Control                        BugIDEA-160353                        Deadlock on applying patch using drag-n-drop
                            PerformanceIDEA-158252                        IDE completely freezed after indices failure
    Version Control. Git                        UsabilityIDEA-160000                        Keep second line empty in commit messages on git cherry-pick
    Dart                        PerformanceWEB-22190                        Completion times/ integration with the Dart Analysis Server
    JavaScript. Frameworks                        BugWEB-22969                        Jasmine focused specs: Impossible jump to the test's source
    No subsystem                        BugDBE-2328                        Data Compare doesn't handle dbs with different names
                            BugDBE-3077                        Database window does not list tables from Redshift
    DB Refactoring                        BugDBE-2794                        Schema Compare - Migrate ignores missing tables
    Data Viewer                        BugDBE-3032                        Next page of results are not part of the original query
                            BugDBE-2992                        Database Console: Boolean field cannot be rendered in result view
                            BugDBE-3091                        Export data from data view action exports only first page
                            BugDBE-2993                        PostgreSQL: Table editor does not support CITEXT
                            BugDBE-3076                        Database's datagrid shows only one row when the table has more than one row
    SQL Editing                        BugDBE-2962                        Successive semicolons give syntax error
                            BugDBE-3105                        Flip is broken
                            BugDBE-3054                        DataGrip cannot resolve db objects in sql file
    SQL Highlighting                        BugDBE-2949                        T-SQL JSON PATH syntax request




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