Elive 2.7.6 (Beta) 发布了,Elive,或者称为Enlightenment live CD,是基于Debian的桌面Linux发行及自启动运行光盘,其特色在于使用Enlightenment窗口管理器。除了进行预配置并适合于日常桌面 应用外,它还包含了“Elpanel”,一份面向简易系统及桌面管理的控制中心。Elive是商业发行;尽管自启动运行光盘可免费下载获取,希望将其安装 到硬盘的用户需要支付15美元以获得安装模块。
elive welcome panel included for the live mode
amazing speedup when launching some applications (read notes)
new applications included by default: hardare information viewer, links2 (much more lightweight web browser)
fixed bugs: terminal hangs, eltrans (translator accounts requesting), an old bug in e17 which started with wrong icons set, live boot misc auto-detections and configurations like qemu
installer improvements: shell for installed mode is now zsh and not bash, detection of windows and other operating systems listed when installed, internet connection asking experience improved