Arquillian 团队宣布 ShrinkWrap Resolver 3.0.0 发布。 ShrinkWrap Resolver 项目提供了一个 Java API 用于从资料库系统获取信息。包括任意 Maven 库中的第三方库。ShrinkWrap Resolver 可以让你重用已经在 Maven 构建文件中的所有配置,并让项目的打包归档变得更加简单。
SHRINKRES-252 - Build Failing Locally in AdditionalRemoteRepositoryTestCase
SHRINKRES-253 - Maven-plugin build fails with missing version of org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds
SHRINKRES-254 - Wrong parent POM version in impl-maven-integration-tests
Component Upgrade
SHRINKRES-244 - Upgrade Maven & Aether dependencies
SHRINKRES-248 - Update version of the Jetty server to the latest one (supporting JVM 1.7)
SHRINKRES-191 - Refactor project structure - gradle and maven separation
SHRINKRES-245 - Remove deprecated methods and features
SHRINKRES-246 - Introduce Maven BOM to easily manage versions of many dependencies
SHRINKRES-247 - Update version of checkstyle plugin