Bokeh 0.12.2 发布了,Bokeh (Bokeh.js) 是一个 Python 交互式可视化库,支持现代化 Web 浏览器,提供非常完美的展示功能。Bokeh 的目标是使用 D3.js 样式提供优雅,简洁新颖的图形化风格,同时提供大型数据集的高性能交互功能。Boken 可以快速的创建交互式的绘图,仪表盘和数据应用。
* bugfixes:
- #4612 Updating of image colormapper
- #4855 No fill for background and border doesn't work
- #4903 [component: build] [regression] needs explicit list of files updated
- #4936 [component: bokehjs] Lasso select is broken with non-circle markers
- #4949 Specifying a selection doesn't work with patches when hit testing tools are present
- #4950 Non-deterministic ordering of css resources for external resource loading
- #4960 [component: examples] Examples/models/* aren't validated
- #4970 [API: charts] Box plot example fails if no outliers exist in data
- #4984 [component: bokehjs] H_units="screen" and w_units="screen" not respected in imageurl
- #4987 [notebook] [regression] Problem with 'run all' in jupyter notebooks with bokeh 0.12.1
- #4992 Colorbar places axis labels incorrectly in some circumstances
- #4993 Colorbar - setting outline_line_alpha=0 on plot causes bar to not appear
- #4996 Labelset's text color not updating properly on changing column data source
- #4998 [component: bokehjs] Typo in
- #5006 [component: docs] Remove trailing whitespace
- #5010 Colormapping - support nan's and data lower than low
- #5035 [component: bokehjs] Auto-range on vbar and hbar doesn't work
- #5040 Rendered notebooks not working on nbviewer
- #5056 Colorbar not working in safari
- #5074 [component: build] [component: server] Bokeh-0.12.1-py27_0 conda package from defaults missing server/views/app_index.html
- #5081 [notebook] Plots do not load upon reopening a notebook if notebook handle created
- #5084 Conda-build 2.0.0 doesn't build noarch packages
* features:
- #1441 Colorbar axis
- #2270 [component: examples] Hide/show image layers
- #3110 [component: bokehjs] Multi_line and selection callback
- #4127 [component: bokehjs] Specifying external urls for resources
- #4828 [component: server] Feature: make get arguments available for bokeh server apps
- #4906 New feature: hide tooltip arrow
- #4924 [component: bokehjs] Tooltips unavailable for `vbar` and `hbar` glyphs
- #4961 [component: bokehjs] Don't end up with white screen under an unhandled exception
- #4981 Support a colormapper as a data transform
- #4990 Colorbar default direction should be reversed
* tasks:
- #3859 [component: docs] Update technical vision part of docs to reference new data shader repo
- #3927 [component: tests] More gracefully handle running integration tests for external contributors
- #4737 [component: examples] Spectrogram example improvements
- #4824 [component: tests] doesn't check for test dependencies
- #4840 Implement quantifiedcode suggestions
- #4869 [component: docs] [starter] User guide "responsive dimensions" needs updating
- #4882 [component: bokehjs] Fixed version in causes constant "version mismatch" warning
- #4891 [component: build] Crawl and list all public functions, classes, methods
- #4892 [component: build] Compare public api across versions
- #4928 Checkbox example is not working as expected
- #4938 [component: docs] "getting set up" section of documentation does not mention the base dependencies of bokeh
- #4959 [component: tests] Imageurl example fails
- #4976 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Split off bokehjs js/ts api
- #4989 Add colorbar public js api definition
- #5001 [component: docs] Availability of cdn resources via https
- #5008 Make default hover styling match other default styling
- #5016 Remove unused reserve_val, reserve_color
- #5042 [API: models] Disallow set type in ``
- #5061 Minor: box plot example indexing
- #5077 [component: tests] Disable integration tests for external contributors
- #5096 [component: docs] [notebook] Notebook comms and push_notebook docs are not up to date