Hibernate Validator 发布了,新版本所解决的问题如下:
Bug 修复
HV-1057 - engine - Group sequences don't honor inheritance relationships properly
HV-1055 - engine - Default group sequence does not honour group hierarchy
HV-1068 - engine - Wrong import in MessageDescriptorFormatException
HV-1071 - engine - HV-1049 prevents annotations in the default package working
HV-1049 - engine - Don't access annotations from "jdk.internal" package
HV-1054 - engine - Catch correct exception type in AbstractMessageInterpolator
HV-1072 - engine - Parameter validation does not stop when group in sequence has cascaded constraint violations.
HV-1050 - build - Build fails under Windows
HV-1063 - tests - Upgrade dependencies used by OSGi integration tests
HV-1080 - engine - Validation of Java 8 Optional throws ClassCastException
HV-1066 - validators - email domains with a 63 character length fails EmailValidator
HV-1048 - engine - Correctly interpret version string returned by JDK 9
HV-1062 - validators - Use type annotations for map values with @NotNull annotation on the map
HV-1013 - validators - Validator invokes hashCode() with null mandatory field
HV-1046 - documentation - Fix example 11.4 in reference guide
HV-1091 - engine - java.lang.StackOverflowError generated when using too big validation message
HV-1031 - engine - Type parameter validations are not executed against all elements in a collection if elements contain the same object instance.
HV-1038 - build - Update to ClassMate 1.3.0
HV-1058 - engine - Avoid repeated retrieval of default group sequence in BeanMetadataImpl#getConstrainedPropertiesAsDescriptors()
HV-1060 - engine - Include messages for @EAN and @ParameterScriptAssert in Brazilian Portuguese error messages
HV-1076 - build - Improve Checkstyle configuration
HV-1081 - build - Reuse the release scripts of OGM to automatize the release process
HV-1077 - engine - Add missing @Override annotation
HV-1074 - engine - Add Arabic translation
HV-1015 - tests - Provide test case template
HV-1082 - documentation - Upgrade maven-jdocbook-plugin and pressgang to generate valid HTML5 documentation
HV-1078 - documentation - Update the CONTRIBUTING.md file
HV-1075 - validators - Update and improve the French translation
HV-1083 - build - Properly ignore hibernate-noorm-release-scripts directory in the build
HV-1014 - documentation - Clarify what @ValidPart is in example 2.3 of the reference guide
HV-1096 - validators - ValidationMessages for Russian
HV-1086 - build - Update Maven dependencies and align with WildFly 10.1.0.Final
HV-1070 - build - Preparatory work for building with Java 9
HV-501 - engine - Extend programmatic API to allow alteration of ConstraintValidator list for a given constraint
HV-1065 - engine - Add hibernate.validator.constraint_mapping_contributor*s* to take a list of contributors and deprecate hibernate.validator.constraint_mapping_contributor
HV-1053 - build - Use WildFly 10.0.0.Final for integration tests
HV-1052 - build - Upgrade to current version of JBoss logging processor
HV-1034 - build - Allow compilation using JDK9
HV-1064 - tests - Add Travis support