Calibre 2.66了 发布了。Calibre是电子书管理软件,支持Amazon、Apple、Bookeen、Ectaco、Endless Ideas、Google/HTC、Hanlin Song设备及格式,功能十分强大。
A simplified calibre logo
Edit Book: Allow restricting a search to the files currently open for editing
Driver for the PocketBook Touch HD
Kobo driver: Add support for firmware version 3.20
Bug 修复:
DOCX Input: Fix right-to-left alignment not working for footnotes.
Sending email: Allow setting up a mail relay that uses encryption without a username and password.
Linux: Fix calibre not working when the username is non-ASCII.
DOCX Output: Ignore invalid text-indent values in the input document instead of erroring out.
Portable Installer: Auto-create the installation folder specified on the command line if it does not exist
Kobo driver: Fix the ignore collections in option not working
More user interface fixes for high DPI screens
DOCX Input: Fix a regression in the previous release that could cause invalid values to be output for the text-align CSS property