GitLab v8.11.4 和 v8.10.8 发布了,GitLab是一个利用 Ruby on Rails 开发的开源应用程序,实现一个自托管的 Git 项目仓库,可通过Web界面进行访问公开的或者私人项目。更新记录如下:
v8.11.4 主要改进:
- Fix broken gitlab:backup:restore because of bad permissions on repo storage !6098 (Dirk Hörner)
- Fix resolving conflicts on forks. !6082
- Fix diff commenting on merge requests created prior to 8.10. !6029
- Fix pipelines tab layout regression. !5952
- Fix "Wiki" link not appearing in navigation for projects with external wiki. !6057
- Do not enforce using hash with hidden key in CI configuration. !6079
- Fix hover leading space bug in pipeline graph !5980
- Fix sorting issues by "last updated" doesn't work after import from GitHub
- GitHub importer use default project visibility for non-private projects
- Creating an issue through our API now emails label subscribers !5720
- Block concurrent updates for Pipeline
- Don't create groups for unallowed users when importing projects
- Fix issue boards leak private label names and descriptions
- Fix broken gitlab:backup:restore because of bad permissions on repo storage !6098 (Dirk Hörner)
- Remove gitorious. !5866
v8.10.8 主要改进:
- Fix broken gitlab:backup:restore because of bad permissions on repo storage !6098 (Dirk Hörner)