wattOS R19 发布了,此版本基于 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 构建和LXDE桌面。还有一些其他改进,详情请看发行声明。
A continued focus to try and provide a clean basic desktop with a few key apps that you can then add whatever tools you like for a modern clean desktop without the clutter.
– Upgrade to newest LTS Ubuntu as base
– All new versions and upgrades to programs mentioned above
– Broader support for wireless and various hardware (added Dynamic Kernel Module Support and legacy broadcom support for wider wireless out of the box for live installs/testing)
– Changed default music player to the excellent Lollypop music player that gives access to a wide variety of streaming stations
– Added the Gufw to provide an easy to use GUI to configure firewall settings and secure your system
– Changed graphics editing to gThumb to simplify photo editing
– Removal of additional applications that may not be used often by many. (CD burning, native video player)
下载:Download: wattOS-R10-64.iso (687MB, MD5, torrent, pkglist).
wattOS 是一个基于 Ubuntu 的新发行版,主要为低端电脑而设计,它的系统要求很低,这意味着你可以在一些比较旧的电脑硬件上运行它。wattOS 为用户提供了几种不同的版本,包括:
wattOS - 使用功能完整的 GNOME 作为默认桌面
mWattOS - 选择轻量级的 Xfce 桌面环境
µWattOS - 命令行界面,也包括轻量的 GUI
Substation - 服务器版本