IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.3 发布了,IntelliJ IDEA被认为是当前Java开发效率最快的IDE工具。它整合了开发过程中实用的众多功能,几乎可以不用鼠标可以方便的完成你要做的任何事情,最大程度的加快开发的速度。简单而又功能强大。与其他的一些繁冗而复杂的IDE工具有鲜明的对比。
Hitting enter in the Expression field in the Edit Template Variables dialog does not save the value
Adroid Debug: Source Code does not match the bytecode message
Export Coverage Report as HTML produces a NPE
Editor doesn't auto-indent within switch-case correctly
Invalid arguments : Already listening [timeout, port, localAddress]
Documentation of com.intellij.psi.tree.* API classes
Find/Replace toolbar: Escape now clears the replace lineedit which also clears the lineedit history entry