MongoDB 3.3.12 发布了,MongoDB是一个介于关系数据库和非关系数据库之间的产品,是非关系数据库当中功能最丰富,最像关系数据库的。他支持的数据结构非常松散,是类似 json的bjson格式,因此可以存储比较复杂的数据类型。Mongo最大的特点是他支持的查询语言非常强大,其语法有点类似于面向对象的查询语言,几乎可以实现类似关系数据库单表查询的绝大部分功能,而且还支持对数据建立索引。
[SERVER-4936] - Server support for "maxStalenessMS" read preference option
[SERVER-7200] - use oplog as op buffer on secondaries
[SERVER-13367] - Specialize operator<<(std::ostream&, BSONType)
[SERVER-19507] - Distinct command should use covered query plan when distinct field is a non-first element of index key pattern
[SERVER-21757] - ServerStatus "advisoryHostFQDNs" should be optional and not default
[SERVER-22345] - jstestfuzz - run on Solaris
[SERVER-22382] - mongo shell should accept mongodb:// URI for --host
[SERVER-23100] - Add methods to StringBuilder/str::stream that return unowned copy of underlying string
[SERVER-23478] - Update "" metric in the OplogFetcher
[SERVER-23501] - Erroring command replies should include stringified ErrorCode