JRuby 发布了,JRuby是面向Ruby、基于Java虚拟机(JVM)的一种解释程序,它结合了Ruby语言的简易性和功能强大的JVM的执行机制,包括与Java库 全面集成。Rails彻底加快及简化了Web应用的开发,不过它让人觉得不够成熟,特别是在高端企业级功能方面。另一方面,Java平台及其虚拟机、库和 应用服务器的速度、稳定性和功能方面却一直在提升,现在已被公认为是开发高端服务器应用的领先平台。不过如果Java平台不与Ruby等新兴语言联系在一 起,就有可能落后于流行趋势。
#4114 - jruby-gradle plugin fails with a
#4107 - workaround compilation problems with unsafe-mock.jar
#4105 - File.size? should work on uri:classloader: resources
#4103 - JRuby fails in building from source when using openjdk-7-jdk trusty package
#4102 - No more wrapper
#4101 - JDK 8u102 changed JceSecurity#isRestricted to final
#4100 - Change script file restriction
#4091 - concurrent loading does not resolve loaded constant
#4089 - Math.log10 should use Java's log10 method
#4087 - stdlib update for 9.1 (from Ruby 2.3.1)
#4078 - Bump racc. Fixes #4071
#4077 - Recursive regex compile fails: (RegexpError) invalid group name <0>
#4073 - IO#fsync doesn't trigger an fsync(2) syscall?
#4071 - racc needs upgrade
#4069 - Unusual regression in Range#to_a
#4065 - Update platform config files from FFI gem. See jruby/jruby#3981
#4061 - Fix Socket.tcp connect_timeout option
#4059 - Remove dead rake tasks
#4057 - The JVM SIGSEGVs when using RubyEtc.getgrgid
#4056 - Return line no in SyntaxError when parsing Regexp
#4055 - Double-splat should not work with non-symbol keys
#4054 - RubyEnumerator implements java.util.Iterator
#4053 - require_realative calls self.require instead of Kernel.require
#4052 - Partially fix set_trace_func line numbers
#4051 - Wrong line numbers in Kernel#caller inside set_trace_func (with code to reproduce)
#4049 - net/http lib throws java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException
#4046 - inconsistent each and each_with_index return
#4045 - Java array #each does not handle block-less case
#4039 - Java array (Enumerable) does not handle last()
#4038 - Fix some parts of Socket::Option
#4037 - NullPointerExeption in org.jruby.RubyBasicObject.yieldUnder
#4034 - incorrect Java::void type
#4032 - Incorrect error class is rescued when the super class is Java::JavaLang::RuntimeException
#4031 - Make JRuby compatible with capybara-webkit (and possibly other gems)
#4029 - UnsupportedOperationException: BUG: invoking UndefinedMethod.call; (doing warble)
#4020 - Rails app on raises stackoverflow exceptions after 6-8 hours of activity following an upgrade from 1.7.
#4014 - ClassCastException thrown when a method is defined inside a test
#4013 - Passing a default parameter to a block causes an exception.
#4010 - Reopen stdio streams when run from Drip, to pick up its FIFOs.
#4008 - Unmarshaling regexp loses UTF-8 encoding
#4003 - singleton method handle stack overflow
#4001 - Java::JavaLang::StackOverflowError with gsub(RegExp, Hash)
#4000 - JRubyFX application not working when running from jar (works in 1.7, doesn't work in 9k)
#3999 - Intermittent NullPointerException under
#3998 - JRuby not working on windows server 2003/2003 R2
#3993 - Performance issue when extending objects with a module including constants
#3988 - Packed arrays
#3983 - Kernel#system fails to execute if SecurityManager denies access to a $PATH entry even if it permits a later one
#3981 - Unable to resolve type uint32_t with FFI
#3976 - Superclass mixin implementation called instead of subclass implementation
#3975 - Running with flag --enable-frozen-string-literal crashes stdlib/jar_dependencies.rb
#3972 - Use platform defaults from defaults file rather than eager load.
#3970 - recv_nonblock returns :wait_readable instead of raising
#3969 - Call plus ensure does not properly initialize all temps
#3966 - Incorrect case evaluation when evaluating variable with value of []
#3963 - SelectorPool returns Selectors with old keys in them
#3961 - Use Java's Arrays.sort
#3960 - Fix Range#eql? checks that start and end of range are same using MethodNames.EQL
#3957 - (SystemCallError) Unknown error 123 - FindFirstFile with AsciidoctorJ on Win10
#3956 - Range#eql? returns incorrect result for float vs int
#3952 - Ensure that Selectors from SelectorPool don't have old keys in them
#3950 - Bundler fails under +indy (claims gems listed more than once)
#3948 - Open3.popen3 with block fails on Windows
#3946 - warning: Ambiguous first argument
#3945 - Sequel + Celluloid + jtds error in 9.1.x
#3944 - Array#min doesn't respect monkey patching
#3943 - no such file to load -- ffi in jruby.jar
#3938 - Flag registry
#3935 - Fixed shift with negative distance on Bignum
#3934 - Apparent regression with NameError in
#3930 - Misc optz
#3929 - waitReadable should block
#3919 - Arrays.sort
#3912 - fix four additional MRI string tests
#3911 - Unify super and call splatting logic in interpreter and JIT.
#3909 - ZSuper does not require caller's binding/scope.
#3906 - Kwargs should not need dynamic scope, since we have static handy.
#3902 - Soften this restriction to just readable resources.
#3898 - Disable the AddLocalVarLoadStore pass to fix #3891.
#3896 - Test new recursion
#3892 - Enabled did_you_mean, install during build, and clear gem paths
#3891 - Changes to local variables not visible to other threads even when protected by a lock
#3887 - Recursion detection should use identity map, but it blows up
#3869 - Unable to use UnboundMethod referencing super with define_singleton_method
#3868 - hangs on syswrite
#3861 - Double packaging of `org/joda/time/format/messages.properties` in jruby-jars
#3835 - Thread-level events explode due to empty stack
#3828 - jruby-rack adjust_gem_path has no effect
#3823 - Rails 5 dependencies fail to load 'listen' lib for evented file checking
#3814 - Expose two Enumerator-related bugs
#3808 - defined? poor performance
#3778 - Unicode chars in method names aren't accepted
#3760 - TypeError raised by JRuby during keyword argument checking while the call is perfectly legit
#3713 - IRReturnJump unhandled
#3708 - Unresolved super with module_function
#3680 - JRuby and devise Null pointer exception
#3625 - remote execution
#3480 - Bundle did_you_mean gem
#3138 - Mixing Hash and keyword arguments raises an error
#2997 - Error while using socket class
#2690 - no STDOUT with drip on jruby-
#2340 - curried proc with varargs doesn't call properly
#1405 - SecureRandom performance could be better
#1376 - Kernel#caller from arglist is missing a stack frame
#1279 - Lazy load Digest::SHA256 is not thread safe