Netty 4.0.41.Final 和 4.1.5.Final 发布了,本次更新主要有 bug 修复、性能提升以及新的特性。
该版本也修复了一个当使用 netty-tcnative-boringssl-static 时可能会崩溃的问题。两个版本都有的详细更新如下:
Result of a, ByteBuf b) is dependent on ByteOrder of supplied ByteBufs (#5732)
Ensure fireChannelActive() is also called if Channel is closed in connect promise (#5724)
Ensure SslHandler.close(...) will not throw exception if flush of pending messages fail (#5685)
Static initializers can cause deadlock (#5730)
Detect if netty-tcnative is in classpath or just tcnative (#5666)
Ensure direct ByteBuffer are wrapped in as direct ByteBuf (#5629)
Allow to limit the maximum number of WeakOrderQueue instances per Thread (#5592)
Ensure correct ordering if a ChannelInitializer adds another ChannelInitializer (#5588)
Servers should not send duplicate intermediate certificates (#5606)
Not try to double release empty buffer in Unpooled.wrappedBuffer (#5605)
Ensure SslHandler not log false-positives when try to close the Channel due timeout (#5604)
Introduce allocation / pooling ratio in Recycler (#5594)
4.1.5.Final 详细更新如下:
Ensure we not log missleading errors if the promise was already failed due errors (#5689)
HTTP/2 limit streams in all states (#5671)
Disable IPv6 address lookups when (#5659)
Add NonStickyEventExecutorGroup (#5579)
Fix RejectedExecutionException when using DnsAddressResolverGroup (#5612)