Vue v2.0.0-rc.4 发布了,Vue.js 是构建 Web 界面的 JavaScript 框架,提供数据驱动的组件,还有简单灵活的 API,使得 MVVM 更简单。该版本更新如下:
Async component function now supports returning a Promise. Note if you are using async components with vue-router you need to update vue-router too.
- #3491 fix vdom patch: properly teardown stable directives
#3506 fix transition end detection (only check events on target element)
#3516 fix v-model codegen for non-input components with type prop
#3518 fix event initialization on reused slot nodes
#3526 fix text parser for multi-line mustache tags
#3529 ensure custom directive bind hook is called after element insertion
#3533 fix vdom patch: DOM insertion reference node error on reused static node