MongooseJS 4.5.10 发布了。MongooseJS 是基于 node.js,使用 JavaScript 编程,连接 MongoDB 数据库的软件包,使MongoDB 的文档数据模型变得优雅起来,方便对 MongoDB 文档型数据库的连接和增删改查等常规数据进行操作。
MongooseJS 是当前使用 mean(mongodb express angularjs nodejs)全栈开发必用的连接数据库软件包。
docs: fix typo on documents.jade #4444 Gabri3l
chore: upgrade mocha to 3.0.2 #4437 TrejGun
fix: subdocuments causing error with parent timestamp on update #4434 dyang108
fix(query): don't crash if timestamps on and update doesn't have a path #4425 #4424 #4418
fix(query): ensure single nested subdoc is hydrated when running update validators #4420
fix(query): cast non-$geometry operators for $geoWithin #4419
docs: update contributor count #4415 AdamZaczek
docs: add more clarification re: the index event #4410
fix(document): only skip modifying subdoc path if parent is direct modified #4405
fix(schema): throw cast error if provided date invalid #4404
feat(error): use util.inspect() so CastError never prints "[object Object]" #4398
fix(model): dont error if the discriminator key is unchanged #4387
fix(query): don't throw unhandled rejection with bluebird when using cbs #4379