Apache Allura 1.5.0 发布了。
Apache Allura 是一个开源、可扩展的基于 Web 的集成了软件工具和协作软件开发的平台。最开始由 SourceForge 在 2009 年推出用来管理源码仓库、Bug 报告、讨论和 Wiki 页面、博客等功能。该项目在 2012年6月贡献给 Apache 基金会。
1.5.0 版本在注册一个项目之后添加了一个引导手册,提升了讨论以及其附件界面的设计,还有其他有关合并请求这方面的各种提升。详情点击这里:https://allura.apache.org/posts/2016-gsoc-16.html
New Features
* [#3593] Add a guided tour after project registration
* [#8088] Design changes to Discussions
* Added project count and new design for neighborhood listing
* Design changes to list attachments. Added lightbox_me to view images
* Updated design of tool listing
* Added refresh commits button to merge requests
* Added emoji rendering via twemoji
Bug Fixes & Minor Improvements
* [#4644] Don't whitelist form elements in markdown processing
* [#8006] Large timeline performance issue in activity stream
* [#8082] Rate limit artifact creation per-user NEEDS INDEX
* [#8094] Improve project creation UX
* [#8110] moderation queue items with long lines break layout
* Added optional parameter metalink in sendmail function that adds a view button in email clients
* Move help/fullscreen/preview icons on markdown editor to the right
* Fix how far lists inside comments can go; a proper fix for [#6248]
* Compressed PNG images losslessly using OptiPNG (-o6 -zm1-9)
* No rate limiting for anonymous user; on wiki page edit check perms before rate limit
* Whitelist posts for members of a project
Code Repositories:
* [#6409] CSS & JS on commit view missing
* [#7949] Better listing of files changed in a certain commit
* [#7965] Improve git/hg/svn endpoints for rest api
* [#8048] Better email subjects for merge request updates
* [#8078] Missing notification when using the one-click merge button
* [#8090] Show merge requests in sidebar, even if there are 0
* Added link items of owner column to filter by assigned_to
* Improve design of merge requests listing filter
* Fix for scm-ssh-key to be visible only if allow upload ssh key is true
* Speed up checking of newly forked repo (patterned after tarball, merge request pages)
* Use authored date instead of committed date in merge requests