USB-HID是Human Interface Device的缩写,属于人机交互操作的设备,如USB鼠标,USB键盘,USB游戏操纵杆,USB触摸板,USB轨迹球、电话拨号设备、VCR遥控等等设备。 TPYBoard借助micropython除了具有usb host功能以外,还可作为USB-HID设备来应用,这里重点讲述如果作为鼠标和键盘使用。
(1)编辑 文件以更改 USB—mouse 的确认方式。具体如下:
<span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 12px;"># -- run on boot- up<br># can run arbitrary Python, but best to keep it minimal<br>import pyb<br>#pyb.main('') <br># main script to run after this one#pyb.usb_mode('CDC+MSC') <br># act as a serial and a storage device<br>pyb.usb_mode('CDC+HID')<br># act as a serial device and a mouse<br></span>
pyb.hid((0,10,0,0)) #注意这里两层括号
pyb.hid((buttons, x, y, z))
这里buttons取0,1,2,3分别表示0移动,1按下左键,2按下中键,3按下右键。这句也可以用pyb.USB_HID().send((buttons, x, y, z)),效果是一样的。
>>> import math >>> def osc(n, d): ... for i in range(n): ... pyb.hid((0, int(20 * math.sin(i / 10)), 0, 0)) ... pyb.delay(d) ... >>> osc(100, 50)
这段代码也可以写到main.py中,这时大家可能会问,u盘没了,main.py怎么编辑啊。这里需要进入TPYBV101的安全模式。按住usr键,按一下reset,此时led2与led3交替亮,当led3亮起,led2没亮时,松开usr,此时led3快闪后,可以发现u盘挂载出来了,这时可以修改main.py文件。 import math import pyb def osc(n, d): for i in range(n): pyb.hid((0, int(20 * math.sin(i / 10)), 0, 0)) pyb.delay(d) osc(100, 50)
(1) 编辑 文件,定义usb-keyboard
# -- run on boot-up # can run arbitrary Python, but best to keep it minimal import machine import pyb #pyb.main('') # main script to run after this one #pyb.usb_mode('CDC+MSC') # act as a serial and a storage device pyb.usb_mode('CDC+HID',hid=pyb.hid_keyboard) # act as a serial device and a keyboard
# -- put your code here! hid=pyb.USB_HID() def release_key_once(): buf = bytearray(8) # report is 8 bytes long buf[2] = 0 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay(10) def press_key_once(key): buf = bytearray(8) # report is 8 bytes long buf[2] = key hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay(10) def press_2key(key1,key2): buf = bytearray(8) # report is 8 bytes long buf[2] = key1 buf[3] = key2 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay(10) def release_2key(): buf = bytearray(8) # report is 8 bytes long buf[2] = 0 buf[3] = 0 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay(10) pyb.delay(1000) press_key_once(0x04) release_key_once() pyb.delay(1000) press_key_once(0x05) release_key_once() pyb.delay(1000) press_key_once(0x2B) release_key_once() pyb.delay(1000) press_key_once(0x28) release_key_once() pyb.delay(1000) press_key_once(0x06) release_key_once() pyb.delay(1000) press_key_once(0x07) release_key_once() pyb.delay(1000) press_2key(0x08,0x09) release_2key() pyb.delay(1000)
这个程序定义了按下一个键press_key_once(key),抬起一个键 release_key_once(),按下两个键press_2key(key1,key2),抬起两个键release_2key()的方法。具体运行效果,可先打开一个记事本,然后按一下reset键,或者插拔一次usb口,最后可以看到在记事本里,先打入ab,接着是tab,回车,接着cdef,除了ef几乎同时出现,前面的输入间都间隔了1秒。