BlackArch Linux 在 2016.08.19 发布了新的镜像文件。新的镜像文件拥有超过 1500 件工具。
include Linux kernel 4.7.1
updated BlackArch Linux installer
added more than 100 new tools
updated all BlackArch tools
updated all system packages
updated menu entries for window managers (Awesome, Fluxbox, Openbox)
anti-xss - an XSS vulnerability scanner
shelling - an offensive approach to the anatomy of improperly written OS command injection sanitisers
pathzuzu - checks for path substitution vulnerabilities and logs the commands executed by the vulnerable executables
gef - multi-architecture GDB enhanced features for exploiters and reverse engineers
BlackArch Linux 是一份基于 Arch Linux 的发行,它被设计为服务于系统渗透测试人员及安全研究人员。它的提供形式是一张自启动运行DVD镜像,包含有多个轻量级窗口管理器如 Fluxbox、Openbox、Awesome、spectrwm。它预装了一千多种专用工具以用于渗透测试和计算机取证分析。