SonarQube JavaScript 2.15 发布了,Sonar (SonarQube)是一个开源平台,用于管理源代码的质量。Sonar 不只是一个质量数据报告工具,更是代码质量管理平台。支持的语言包括:Java、PHP、C#、C、Cobol、PL/SQL、Flex 等。
[SONARJS-740] - Remove rule javascript:S1145 from default profile
[SONARJS-754] - Fix strange formatting of rule description for ElseIfWithoutElse
[SONARJS-760] - Support ""
[SONARJS-78] - Provide more precise type infering with SE
[SONARJS-729] - Do not include complexity of nested functions into nesting one complexity
[SONARJS-734] - Symbolic execution: evaluate "for in" and "for of" with "let" or "const"
[SONARJS-737] - Remove rule EqEqEq from default profile
[SONARJS-741] - Improve detection of minified files
[SONARJS-748] - Improve DifferentTypesComparisonCheck with precise type information
[SONARJS-749] - Improve StringConcatenatedWithNonStringCheck with precise type information
[SONARJS-750] - Improve StringsComparisonCheck with precise type information
[SONARJS-751] - Improve UnaryPlusMinusWithObjectCheck with precise type information
[SONARJS-755] - Rename rule repository to 'SonarAnalyzer'
[SONARJS-759] - Make common:DuplicatedBlocks activated by default
New Feature
[SONARJS-442] - Rule: Calls should not be made to non-callables
[SONARJS-699] - Support features proposed for ES2017
[SONARJS-703] - Provide an easy way to unit test secondary issue locations
[SONARJS-743] - Rule: Functions should not be called both with and without "new"