ReSharper Ultimate 2016.2 RTM 版发布了,ReSharper 是一款由 jetbrains 开发的针对C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, XML, 和 XAML 的编辑器。沿袭了 jetbrains 开发工具一贯的优良传统,ReSharper 拥有高度智能的纠错,30多种高级代码重构功能,方便的单元测试 工具,快速导航、检索,以及一键格式化代码,自动代码生成和模板功能等很多特性。
Support for ASP.NET Core 1.0 and .NET Core 1.0 projects
Structural navigation, a new feature informally referred to as “Make Tab Great Again”.
Go to Text navigation (Ctrl+T,T,T) lets you quickly find and navigate to any text in source and textual files.
Warnings in solution-wide analysis help you constantly keep track of all warnings in your solution: both actual compiler warnings and ReSharper’s inspections with the Warning severity level.