GitLab v8.11.0-rc3 和 v8.11.0-rc4 发布了,GitLab是一个利用 Ruby on Rails 开发的开源应用程序,实现一个自托管的Git项目仓库,可通过Web界面进行访问公开的或者私人项目。
Add test coverage report badge. !5708
Remove the http_parser.rb dependency by removing the tinder gem. !5758 (tbalthazar)
Ability to specify branches for Pivotal Tracker integration (Egor Lynko)
Fix don't pass a local variable called `i` to a partial. !20510 (herminiotorres)
Add delimiter to project stars and forks count (ClemMakesApps)
Fix rename `add_users_into_project` and `projects_ids`. !20512 (herminiotorres)
Fix the title of the toggle dropdown button. !5515 (herminiotorres)
Rename `markdown_preview` routes to `preview_markdown`. (Christopher Bartz)
Update to Ruby 2.3.1. !4948
Add Issues Board !5548
Allow resolving merge conflicts in the UI !5479
Improve diff performance by eliminating redundant checks for text blobs
Ensure that branch names containing escapable characters (e.g. %20) aren't unescaped indiscriminately. !5770 (ewiltshi)
Convert switch icon into icon font (ClemMakesApps)
API: Endpoints for enabling and disabling deploy keys
API: List access requests, request access, approve, and deny access requests to a project or a group. !4833