Android Studio 2.1.3 发布,此版本增加了一些 兼容性,包括一些性能改进和功能更新, 以及一些重要的s安全修复. 详情: Gradle release notes。
Fixed issues
[GRADLE-3486] - Ear plugin fails with NPE when provided with an existing descriptor without a version attribute
[GRADLE-3489] - Cannot build from REL_2.14 tag
[GRADLE-3491] - Some tasks don't execute when inputs or outputs are out of date
[GRADLE-3492] - Codenarc doesn't honor excludes
[GRADLE-3494] - NPE in DefaultPomDependenciesConverter when dependency version is null
[GRADLE-3496] - Maven POM conversion dependency de-duplication should choose the higher version when multiple versions have the same priority
[GRADLE-3498] - JacocoTaskExtension cannot be configured
[GRADLE-3499] - Cannot create a native component which name contains dots
Known issues
[GRADLE-3520] - Incremental Java compile does not rebuild when upstream classes are deleted
[GRADLE-3519] - Gradle may hang when executing multiple Test tasks in parallel
[GRADLE-3514] - Ivy Publish plugin does not reflect transitive = false for a dependency in generated metadata
[GRADLE-3513] - Maven plugin does not reflect dependency exclusions for group or module in generated POM