Exact Audio Copy 1.2 发布了,该版本修复了一些问题,具体如下:
Fixed several issues with the CDRDAO burning component
Updated the cover search in the freedb++ metadata provider
Fixed defect EAC menu for beginner mode
Different handling of track selection. Several selected tracks can be checked at once
Different handling of track selection. Playback will only playback selected track instead of checked tracks
AcoustID plugin will be pre-selected on installation
Function “Upper all first characters” will not upper after a number (e.g 8th)
CUE sheets will receive the composer as remark
Fixed a very rare occurring problem of not finding an AR checksum for a given track
Fixed a rare occurring problem of not finding a read command
EAC(Exact Audio Copy) 原名 CDRDAO,是一个深受 HIFI 级玩家推崇和喜爱的抓音轨软件,有人甚至认为它是目前最好的唯一能做到无损音质的抓轨工具。作者是一名德国学生,他在 EAC 中使用了很多有助于提高抓取质量的控制技术,譬如:C2 级校错、间隙检测、精确流控制、音频缓冲、音轨同步、采样偏移等等特殊的功能来改善抓取后生成的波形文件质量。不仅如此,你还可以在 EAC 中采用如 LAME 这样的支持高达 320K 压缩流量的 MP3 编码器将已抓取的 WAVE 文件压缩成高质量的 MP3 文件。
EAC 的功能还远不止这些,像 CDDB 、刻录音乐 CD 它都能够轻松实现,当然最值得称道的还是它的抓音轨功能。