Infinispan 8.2.4.Final 发布了,Infinispan 是个开源的数据网格平台。它公开了一个简单的数据结构(一个Cache)来存储对象。虽然可以在本地模式下运行Infinspan,但其真正的价值在于分布 式,在这种模式下,Infinispan可以将集群缓存起来并公开大容量的堆内存。这可比简单的复制强大的多,因为它会为每个结点分配固定数量的副本——服 务器故障的一种恢复手段——同时还提升了可伸缩性,这是由于存储每个结点所需的工作量是与集群大小息息相关的。
Bug 修复
[ISPN-6474] - Server should not start default cache
[ISPN-6614] - [8.2.x] JCacheConfigurationPropertiesFileTest.testPropertiesConfiguration always fails
[ISPN-6652] - GlobalConfiguration still refers to evictionThreadPool instead of expirationThreadPool
[ISPN-6680] - InterruptedException during PutAll from Hot Rod client prevents failover
[ISPN-6692] - Handle exceptions in RemoteIterator close
[ISPN-6703] - ClearCommand hanging in the test suite
[ISPN-6745] - Locks are lost in pessimistic cache
[ISPN-6771] - HotRod Client - TcpTransportFactory - update topology issue with multiple caches
[ISPN-6816] - Remove unnecessary packages from Embedded Uber Jar
[ISPN-6907] - Repl/Dist cache with Transactions doesn't respect shared store semantics
[ISPN-6923] - HotRod bulk commands that provide a limit need to close the iterator
[ISPN-6944] - Some public query classes are missing from apidocs
[ISPN-6922] - Support for loading keystores from classpath in the Hot Rod client
[ISPN-6651] - Reduce WARN verbosiness due to missing netty native transport
[ISPN-6729] - Upgrade the Cloud Cache Store to 8.0.0