Apache Kafka 发布,这是一个 bug 修复版本,主要改进记录包括:
New Feature
[KAFKA-3538] - Abstract the creation/retrieval of Producer for stream sinks for unit testing
[KAFKA-3667] - Improve Section 7.2 Encryption and Authentication using SSL to include proper hostname verification configuration
[KAFKA-3683] - Add file descriptor recommendation to ops guide
[KAFKA-3699] - Update protocol page on website to explain how KIP-35 should be used
[KAFKA-3725] - Update documentation with regards to XFS
[KAFKA-3747] - Close `RecordBatch.records` when append to batch fails
[KAFKA-3785] - Fetcher spending unnecessary time during metrics recording
[KAFKA-3836] - RocksDBStore.get() should not pass nulls to Deserializers
[KAFKA-3880] - Disallow Join Windows with size zero
[KAFKA-3922] - Add a copy-constructor to AbstractStream
[KAFKA-3185] - Allow users to cleanup internal data
[KAFKA-3258] - BrokerTopicMetrics of deleted topics are never deleted
[KAFKA-3393] - Update site docs and javadoc based on max.block.ms changes
[KAFKA-3500] - KafkaOffsetBackingStore set method needs to handle null
[KAFKA-3718] - propagate all KafkaConfig __consumer_offsets configs to OffsetConfig instantiation
[KAFKA-3728] - EndToEndAuthorizationTest offsets_topic misconfigured
[KAFKA-3781] - Errors.exceptionName() can throw NPE
[KAFKA-3782] - Transient failure with kafkatest.tests.connect.connect_distributed_test.ConnectDistributedTest.test_bounce.clean=True
[KAFKA-3783] - Race condition on last ACL removal for a resource fails with a ZkBadVersionException
[KAFKA-3784] - TimeWindows#windowsFor misidentifies some windows if TimeWindows#advanceBy is used
[KAFKA-3787] - Preserve message timestamp in mirror mkaer
[KAFKA-3789] - Upgrade Snappy to fix snappy decompression errors
[KAFKA-3802] - log mtimes reset on broker restart
[KAFKA-3805] - Running multiple instances of a Streams app on the same machine results in Java_org_rocksdb_RocksDB_write error
[KAFKA-3817] - KTableRepartitionMap should handle null inputs
[KAFKA-3830] - getTGT() debug logging exposes confidential information
[KAFKA-3850] - WorkerSinkTask should retry commits if woken up during rebalance or shutdown
[KAFKA-3851] - Add references to important installation/upgrade notes to release notes
[KAFKA-3852] - Clarify how to handle message format upgrade without killing performance
[KAFKA-3854] - Subsequent regex subscription calls fail
[KAFKA-3855] - Guard race conditions in TopologyBuilder
[KAFKA-3864] - Kafka Connect Struct.get returning defaultValue from Struct not the field schema
[KAFKA-3879] - KafkaConsumer with auto commit enabled gets stuck when killed after broker is dead
[KAFKA-3887] - StreamBounceTest.test_bounce and StreamSmokeTest.test_streams failing
[KAFKA-3890] - Kafka Streams: task assignment is not maintained on cluster restart or rolling restart
[KAFKA-3898] - KStream.leftJoin(...) is missing a Serde for thisVal. This can cause failures after mapValues etc
[KAFKA-3902] - Optimize KTable.filter() to reduce unnecessary traffic
[KAFKA-3915] - LogCleaner IO buffers do not account for potential size difference due to message format change
[KAFKA-3924] - Data loss due to halting when LEO is larger than leader's LEO
[KAFKA-3933] - Kafka OOM During Log Recovery Due to Leaked Native Memory
[KAFKA-3935] - ConnectDistributedTest.test_restart_failed_task.connector_type=sink system test failing
[KAFKA-3941] - Avoid applying eviction listener in InMemoryKeyValueLoggedStore
[KAFKA-3950] - kafka mirror maker tool is not respecting whitelist option
[KAFKA-3952] - VerifyConsumerRebalance cannot succeed when checking partition owner
[KAFKA-3960] - Committed offset not set after first assign
[KAFKA-3977] - KafkaConsumer swallows exceptions raised from message deserializers
[KAFKA-3983] - It would be helpful if SocketServer's Acceptors logged both the SocketChannel port and the processor ID upon registra
[KAFKA-3996] - ByteBufferMessageSet.writeTo() should be non-blocking
[KAFKA-4008] - Module "tools" should not be dependent on "core"
[KAFKA-4018] - Streams causing older slf4j-log4j library to be packaged along with newer version
[KAFKA-3863] - Add system test for connector failure/restart
[KAFKA-3660] - Log exception message in ControllerBrokerRequestBatch
[KAFKA-3865] - Transient failures in org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.WorkerSourceTaskTest.testSlowTaskStart
[KAFKA-3931] - kafka.api.PlaintextConsumerTest.testPatternUnsubscription transient failure