Apache Commons Crypto 1.0.0 发布了。Apache Commons Crypto 是一个加密库,使用 AES-NI (Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions) 进行优化。提供了加密级别和流级别的 API。开发者可以使用最少代码来实现高性能的 AES 加解密应用。
CRYPTO-68: Enable common code quality reports.
CRYPTO-11: User guide documentation . Thanks to Ke Jia, Jerry Chen.
CRYPTO-12: Rename CryptoInputStream to CipherInputStream and CryptoOutputStream to CipherOutputStream . Thanks to Xianda Ke.
CRYPTO-13: The API differences between apache.commons.crypto and JCE . Thanks to Xianda Ke.
CRYPTO-40: Remove the full qualified package name for shadowed classes . Thanks to Xianda Ke, Jerry Chen.
CRYPTO-42: Remove the header files required for cross platform compilation . Thanks to Dian Fu, Jerry Chen.
CRYPTO-45: Document how to build Commons Crypto . Thanks to Dian Fu, Benedikt Ritter.
CRYPTO-48: Setup site build as defined in commons-parent pom . Thanks to Benedikt Ritter, Dapeng Sun.
CRYPTO-65: Warnings compiling on MacOSX - JNIEXPORT redefined. Thanks to sebb.
CRYPTO-29: Make sure Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE is consistent with JDK . Thanks to Dian Fu, Sebb.
CRYPTO-30: Mutable fields should be private . Thanks to Ferdinand Xu, Sebb.
CRYPTO-34: JavaSecureRandom should throw Exception if it cannot create the instance . Thanks to Dapeng Sun, Sebb.
CRYPTO-47: Fix build of MAC_OS . Thanks to Dapeng Sun.
CRYPTO-49: CRYPTO-1 Fix build of X86 . Thanks to Dapeng Sun.
CRYPTO-57: Fix build on Mac OS Thanks to Benedikt Ritter.
CRYPTO-61: Fix possible NPE in OpensslCryptoRandom Thanks to Hendrik Saly.
CRYPTO-54: US Export classification and ECCN registration for encryption Thanks to Stian Soiland-Reyes, Jerry Chen, Benedikt Ritter, Gary Gregory.
CRYPTO-26: Utility classes should not have public constructors . Thanks to Dapeng Sun.
CRYPTO-28: Update the README.md of Apache Commons Crypto . Thanks to Ferdinand Xu, Ke Jia.
CRYPTO-3: Change default cipher as OpensslCipher . Thanks to ferdinand xu.
CRYPTO-31: Make fields final wherever possible . Thanks to Ferdinand Xu, Sebb.
CRYPTO-33: SecureRandom shadows JVM class . Thanks to Xianda Ke, Sebb.
CRYPTO-38: Always use blocks . Thanks to Dapeng Sun, Gary Gregory.
CRYPTO-7: Rename source code in Chimera to Apache name space . Thanks to ferdinand xu.
CRYPTO-62: Add multithreaded related tests Thanks to Hendrik Saly.